1. DOI stands for Division of Interest
  2. DOI stands for Digital Object Identifier
  3. DOI stands for Department of the Interior (US)
  4. DOI stands for Direction of Investment
  5. DOI stands for Department Of Insurance
  6. DOI stands for Division of Insurance
  7. DOI  stands for Division of Instruction (various locations)
  8. DOI stands for Date of Incorporation
  9. DOI stands for Division of Information (Australian National University)
  10. DOI stands for Depth of Inheritance (metric)
  11. DOI stands for Domain Of Interpretation
  12. DOI stands for Declaration of Independence
  13. DOI stands for Definition of Insanity
  14. DOI stands for Directorate of Instruction
  15. DOI stands for Distinctness of Image
  16. DOI stands for Double Opt In (email)
  17. DOI stands for Discharge of Indebtedness
  18. DOI stands for Department of Infrastructure (Australia)
  19. DOI stands for Days of Inventory
  20. DOI stands for Date of Injury
  21. DOI stands for Declaration of Intent (legal)
  22. DOI stands for Died Of Injuries
  23. DOI stands for Date of Issuance
  24. DOI stands for Degree of Interference
  25. DOI stands for Digital Opportunity Initiative
  26. DOI stands for 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-Iodoamphetamine (hallucinogenic drug)
  27. DOI stands for Date of Introduction
  28. DOI stands for Department of Intelligence
  29. DOI stands for Diagramme Objet Interaction (French: Object Interaction Diagram)
  30. DOI stands for Date of Invoice
  31. DOI stands for Digital Orthorectified Imagery
  32. DOI stands for Document-Oriented Interface (computing)
  33. DOI stands for Descent Orbit Insertion
  34. DOI stands for Daughters of Iraq (female security program; est. 2008)
  35. DOI stands for Date of Image
  36. DOI stands for Department of Institutions (Colorado)
  37. DOI stands for Dry Operating Index
  38. DOI stands for Death On Impact
  39. DOI stands for Detachment Operating Instruction
  40. DOI stands for Daily Operating Instruction
  41. DOI stands for Day of Install
  42. DOI stands for Defense Operating Instruction(s)
  43. DOI stands for Diffusion of Innovations
  44. DOI stands for DSSCS (Defense Special Security Communications System) Operating Instructions (US DoD)
  45. DOI stands for Divisional Operating Income
  46. DOI stands for Description, Operation & Installation
  47. DOI stands for Department of Investigation
  48. DOI stands for Drawing Office Instructions (post design modification)
  49. DOI stands for Duration of Immunity (veterinary microbiology)
  50. DOI stands for Depth of Invasion
  51. DOI stands for Director of Intelligence
Abbreviations And Their Meaning