1. DOM  stands for Document Object Model
  2. DOM  stands for Domination
  3. DOM  stands for Days On Market (real estate term)
  4. DOM  stands for Dominican Republic (ISO Country code)
  5. DOM  stands for Dominion
  6. DOM  stands for Dissolved Organic Matter
  7. DOM  stands for Disk on Module (Flash memory module)
  8. DOM  stands for Domenica (Italian: Sunday)
  9. DOM  stands for Department of Management (various organizations)
  10. DOM  stands for Director of Music
  11. DOM  stands for Department of Mathematics (various schools)
  12. DOM  stands for Division of Management (various organizations)
  13. DOM  stands for Direction of Motion
  14. DOM  stands for Date Of Marriage (geneological term)
  15. DOM  stands for Decade of the Mind (conference)
  16. DOM  stands for Dissolution of Marriage (divorce)
  17. DOM  stands for Director of Manufacturing (various companies)
  18. DOM  stands for Day of Month (US DoD)
  19. DOM  stands for Department of Meteorology (various locations)
  20. DOM  stands for Division of Minerals (Nevada)
  21. DOM  stands for Date of Maturity
  22. DOM  stands for Doctor of Oriental Medicine
  23. DOM  stands for Distributed Object Management
  24. DOM  stands for Dirty Old Man
  25. DOM  stands for Director of Marketing
  26. DOM  stands for Drawn Over Mandrel (metal-shaping process)
  27. DOM  stands for Distributed Order Management
  28. DOM  stands for Departamento de Obras Municipais (Portuguese: Department of Municipal Works)
  29. DOM  stands for Défiscalisation Outre-Mer (French: Overseas Taxation)
  30. DOM  stands for Dominion of Melchizedek (micronation)
  31. DOM  stands for Document Object Management
  32. DOM  stands for Date of Manufacture
  33. DOM  stands for Design Out Maintenance (engineering)
  34. DOM  stands for Dead Organic Matter (biology)
  35. DOM  stands for Departements d’Outremer (French: Overseas Counties)
  36. DOM  stands for Deo Optimo Maximo (Latin: To God, Best and Greatest)
  37. DOM  stands for Discrete Ordinate Method
  38. DOM  stands for 4-Methyl-2,5-Dimethoxyamphetamine (psychedelic drug; aka STP)
  39. DOM  stands for Distribution Organes Mécaniques (French: Distribution Powertrains)
  40. DOM  stands for Department of Mysteries (Harry Potter)
  41. DOM  stands for Director of Membership
  42. DOM  stands for Dominant/Dominatrix
  43. DOM  stands for Drinks on Me
  44. DOM  stands for Distribution Operation Manager (various companies)
  45. DOM  stands for Dental Operatory Microscope
  46. DOM  stands for Digital Optical Module
  47. DOM  stands for Domino Object Model (old definition)
  48. DOM  stands for Digital Output Module
  49. DOM  stands for Dipartimenti d’Oltremare (Italian: Overseas Department)
  50. DOM  stands for Developer, Owner and Manager
  51. DOM  stands for Départment d’Outre-Mer (French Overseas Department, similar to a territory)
  52. DOM  stands for Directorate of Information Management (COE)
  53. DOM  stands for Dose Monitor
  54. DOM  stands for Department Operations Manual (California Department of Corrections)
  55. DOM  stands for Dominica, Dominica – Melville Hal-(Airport Code)
  56. DOM  stands for Delete Operator Message (Netview command)
  57. DOM  stands for Doctrine Organization Training
  58. DOM  stands for Dominator (archetype in the game City of Villains)
  59. DOM  stands for Digital Ohm Meter
  60. DOM  stands for Disk Orchestra Module (Yahama Clavinova)
  61. DOM  stands for Directorate of Materiel (US Army)
  62. DOM  stands for Data Only Module (Nortel)
  63. DOM  stands for Disaster Operations Manual (FEMA)
  64. DOM  stands for Data Output Message
  65. DOM  stands for Degree of Multiprogramming
  66. DOM  stands for Departmental Operations Manager
  67. DOM  stands for Direction des Opérations de Marché (French: Branch Operations Market)
  68. DOM  stands for Decimal Order of Magnitude
  69. DOM  stands for Distributed Operations Master
  70. DOM  stands for Distant-Organ Metastasis (pathology)
  71. DOM  stands for Drawn Over Metal
  72. DOM  stands for Data Origin Level – Manual Input
  73. DOM  stands for Date of Mortgage
  74. DOM  stands for Description, Operation & Maintenance
  75. DOM  stands for Director Of Naval Oceanography & Meteorology
  76. DOM  stands for Director Of Maintenance
  77. DOM  stands for Digital Optical Monitoring
  78. DOM  stands for Division of Overseas Ministries

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