1. DOP  stands for Dominican Peso (ISO currency code)
  2. DOP  stands for Director of Photography
  3. DOP  stands for Diameter of Particle(s)
  4. DOP  stands for Degree of Parallelism (database management systems)
  5. DOP  stands for Declaration of Performance (Construction Products Regulation; EU)
  6. DOP  stands for Degree of Polarization (fiber optics)
  7. DOP  stands for Department of Personnel
  8. DOP  stands for Dilution Of Precision (GPS)
  9. DOP  stands for Dioctyl Phthalate
  10. DOP  stands for Department of Posts (Ministry of Communications, India)
  11. DOP  stands for Date of Production
  12. DOP  stands for Date of Payment
  13. DOP  stands for Date of Publication
  14. DOP  stands for Doppler
  15. DOP  stands for Denominazione d’Origine Protetta (Italian: Protected Designation of Origin)
  16. DOP  stands for Degree of Protection (target analysis and terminal ballistics)
  17. DOP  stands for Division of Personnel (various locations)
  18. DOP  stands for Declaration of Principles
  19. DOP  stands for Department of Psychiatry (various organizations)
  20. DOP  stands for Declaration of Peace
  21. DOP  stands for Delineation of Privileges (health care)
  22. DOP  stands for Daughters of Penelope
  23. DOP  stands for Direct Object Pronoun (education)
  24. DOP  stands for Depth Of Penetration
  25. DOP  stands for Data-Oriented Parsing (computational linguistics)
  26. DOP  stands for Difference Of Perception
  27. DOP  stands for Detailed Operating Procedure
  28. DOP  stands for Dropping Outward Pilot (maritime industry)
  29. DOP  stands for Date of Purchase
  30. DOP  stands for Director of Pharmacy
  31. DOP  stands for Director of Operations
  32. DOP  stands for Dispositif Opérationnel de Protection (French: Device Operational Protection)
  33. DOP  stands for Divisional Operating Profit
  34. DOP  stands for Destruction of Property (crime)
  35. DOP  stands for Department Operating Procedure
  36. DOP  stands for Direct Operating Profit
  37. DOP  stands for Directory Operational Binding Management Protocol
  38. DOP  stands for Drop Off Point
  39. DOP  stands for Formai de Mut Dell’Alta Val Brembana (Italian)
  40. DOP  stands for Daily Operating Plan
  41. DOP  stands for Day One Purchase
  42. DOP  stands for United States Department of Peace
  43. DOP  stands for Diver Operated Plug
  44. DOP  stands for Domain of Pain (Counter-Strike gaming clan)
  45. DOP  stands for Digital Offset Press
  46. DOP  stands for Desktop Optimisation Pack (Microsoft)
  47. DOP  stands for Designated Overhaul Point (rework facility)
  48. DOP  stands for Dissolved Organic Phosphorous
  49. DOP  stands for Dispersed Oil Particulate (filtration testing)
  50. DOP  stands for Director of Procurement (job)
  51. DOP  stands for Development Options Paper
  52. DOP  stands for Directory Operational Protocol
  53. DOP  stands for Dublin Orchestral Players
  54. DOP  stands for Dropped Object Protection (Structures)
  55. DOP  stands for Daily Obnoxious Post
  56. DOP  stands for Disaster Operations Plan
  57. DOP  stands for Dioetylphthalate
  58. DOP  stands for Decoy Operating Program
  59. DOP  stands for Data/Date Object Processed
  60. DOP  stands for Drawing Office Practice
  61. DOP  stands for Developmental Opportunities Program
  62. DOP  stands for Development Operations Paper
  63. DOP  stands for Detachment Operating Procedure
  64. DOP  stands for Depth of Plane
  65. DOP  stands for Depot Overhaul Plan
  66. DOP  stands for Digitally Operated Potentiometer
  67. DOP  stands for Diffractive Optics Plate
  68. DOP  stands for Drain Open Failure Mode
  69. DOP  stands for Dirty Old Pervert
  70. DOP  stands for Director of Props
  71. DOP  stands for Director of Payments
  72. DOP  stands for Direct Owner Purchase
  73. DOP  stands for Dioctylephthalate
  74. DOP  stands for Desktop Operating Procedure
  75. DOP  stands for Division of Occupational Psychology (British Psychological Society)
  76. DOP  stands for Division of Prisons (North Carolina)

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