1. DoRA stands for Division of Revenue Act (South Africa)
  2. DoRA stands for San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (American Society for Cell Biology; San Francisco, CA)
  3. DoRA stands for Dynamic Online Routing Algorithm
  4. DoRA stands for Digital Operating Room Assistant (hospitals)
  5. DoRA stands for Data Optimized Revision A
  6. DoRA stands for Department of Regulatory Agencies (Colorado)
  7. DoRA stands for Discover, Offer, Request, Acknowledge (Internet protocol assignment)
  8. DoRA stands for District Office Research and Analysis
  9. DoRA stands for Dallas Office Rapid Adjustment
  10. DoRA stands for Directory Of Rare Analyses
  11. DoRA stands for Digital Online Research Assistant
  12. DoRA stands for Development Organization for the Revival of Afghanistan
  13. DoRA stands for Defence Of the Realm Act
  14. DoRA stands for Definition Of Operations Report Analysis

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