1. DOS stands for Date of Service (health insurance)
  2. DOS stands for Denial Of Service (attack)
  3. DOS stands for Department of Space (India)
  4. DOS stands for Department of Statistics
  5. DOS stands for Day of Show
  6. DOS stands for Density of States
  7. DOS stands for Department Of State (United States)
  8. DOS
    stands for Director of Security
  9. DOS stands for Distribution of States
  10. DOS stands for Director of Sales
  11. DOS stands for División de Organizaciones Sociales (Spanish: Division of Social Organizations; Chile)
  12. DOS stands for Department of Surgery
  13. DOS stands for Disk Operating System
  14. DOS stands for Division of Safety (various locations)
  15. DOS stands for Department of Shipping (various locations)
  16. DOS stands for Dean of Students
  17. DOS stands for Days of Supply (US DoD)
  18. DOS stands for Date Of Separation
  19. DOS stands for Director of Operations and Support
  20. DOS stands for Dosimeter
  21. DOS stands for Daughter of Satan
  22. DOS stands for Director of Emergency Services
  23. DOS stands for Disciplines of Study (UK)
  24. DOS stands for Degree of Saturation
  25. DOS stands for Department of Sanitation (New York City)
  26. DOS stands for Distributed Operating System
  27. DOS stands for Degree of Scattering
  28. DOS stands for Degree of Superiority (algorithm comparison)
  29. DOS stands for Division of Standards (Massachusetts)
  30. DOS stands for Directorate of Safety (various organizations)
  31. DOS stands for Deposition On Silicon
  32. DOS stands for Dead on Scene
  33. DOS stands for Declaration of Security
  34. DOS stands for Democratic Opposition of Serbia
  35. DOS stands for Directly Operated Stores
  36. DOS stands for Digital Operating System
  37. DOS stands for District Open Space (Hong Kong)
  38. DOS stands for Demokratska Opozicija Srbije (Democratic Opposition of Serbia; Coalition of Democratic Political Serbian Parties)
  39. DOS stands for District of Sechelt (Canada)
  40. DOS stands for Director of Ordnance Services (Australia)
  41. DOS stands for Distributed Object Server (Objectstream – SS7)
  42. DOS stands for Dozing Off Soon
  43. DOS stands for Dependents Overseas
  44. DOS stands for Direct Operating System
  45. DOS stands for Dreaded Orange Spots (soapmaking, indicates soap has gone rancid)
  46. DOS stands for Direction des Opérations de Secours
  47. DOS stands for Dad Over Shoulder
  48. DOS stands for Director Of Operations & Support
  49. DOS stands for Directionally Oriented Structures
  50. DOS stands for Date of Sobriety (recovery programs)
  51. DOS stands for Denver Orchid Society
  52. DOS stands for Date of Seeding
  53. DOS stands for Deutscher Orgon Service
  54. DOS stands for Daemons of Shadow (gaming)
  55. DOS stands for Deployed Operational State
  56. DOS stands for Denied Originating Service
  57. DOS stands for Distributed Open-Short (microwave theory)
  58. DOS stands for Dropout Studios
  59. DOS stands for Division of Operational Safety (US Atomic Energy Commission)
  60. DOS stands for Diis Omnibus Sacrum (Latin: Sacred to All the Gods, epigraphy)
  61. DOS stands for Designated Operator Service (SBC)
  62. DOS stands for Declaration of Safety
  63. DOS stands for Dementia Observation System (psychology)
  64. DOS stands for Data Overhead Switch (Nortel)
  65. DOS stands for District Office Study
  66. DOS stands for Densité d’Occupation des Sols (French: Density Land Use; France and Canada)
  67. DOS stands for Detachable Output Stream
  68. DOS stands for Duncan’s Outdoor Shop (Bay City, Michigan)
  69. DOS stands for Director of Study/Studies
Abbreviations And Their Meaning