1. DOV  stands for Dover (Amtrak station code; Dover, NH)
  2. DOV  stands for Direction of View (lenses)
  3. DOV  stands for Destiny of Velious (gaming; EverQuest)
  4. DOV  stands for Denim of Virtue (jeans)
  5. DOV  stands for Demonstration of Value
  6. DOV  stands for Data-Over-Voice
  7. DOV  stands for Director of Orbital Verification (Hubble Telescope)
  8. DOV  stands for Defenders of Valor (gaming group)
  9. DOV  stands for Disbursing Officer Voucher
  10. DOV  stands for Date of Visit
  11. DOV  stands for Degree of Variation
  12. DOV  stands for Discrete Optimal Values
  13. DOV  stands for Diaphragm-Operated Valve
  14. DOV  stands for Dealers of Vengeance (gaming clan)
  15. DOV  stands for Distense of Vision

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