1. DPA  stands for Deutsche Presse-Agentur
  2. DPA  stands for Dell Preferred Account
  3. DPA  stands for Drug Policy Alliance (New York, NY)
  4. DPA  stands for Department of Performing Arts (various schools)
  5. DPA  stands for Differential Power Analysis
  6. DPA  stands for Down Payment Assistance
  7. DPA  stands for Data Protection Authorities (various locations)
  8. DPA  stands for Divine Performing Arts
  9. DPA  stands for Dominique Perrault Architecture (France)
  10. DPA  stands for Department of the Prosecuting Attorney (Hawaii)
  11. DPA  stands for Department of the Public Advocate (New Jersey)
  12. DPA  stands for Data Protection Act 1998 (UK)
  13. DPA  stands for Development and Partnership in Action (Cambodia)
  14. DPA  stands for Doherty Power Amplifier
  15. DPA  stands for Department of Political Affairs
  16. DPA  stands for Data Processing Addendum (General Data Protection Regulation; EU)
  17. DPA  stands for Development Plan Amendment (Australia)
  18. DPA  stands for Darfur Peace Agreement
  19. DPA  stands for Direction du Patrimoine et de l’Architecture (French: Directorate of Heritage and Architecture)
  20. DPA  stands for Dipartimento di Progettazione Architettonica (Italian: Department of Architectural Design)
  21. DPA  stands for Date Prévue d’Accouchement (French: Due Date; pregnancy)
  22. DPA  stands for Daily Physical Activity
  23. DPA  stands for Department of Personnel & Administration (Colorado)
  24. DPA  stands for Département des Affaires Politiques (French: Department of Political Affairs)
  25. DPA  stands for Document Printing Application
  26. DPA  stands for Data Protection Advisor (EMC Corp.)
  27. DPA  stands for Durable Power of Attorney
  28. DPA  stands for Diphenylamine
  29. DPA  stands for District Planning Authority (various locations)
  30. DPA  stands for Data Privacy Agreement
  31. DPA  stands for Defense Production Act
  32. DPA  stands for Dual Photon Absorptiometry (bone density test measures the spine, hip or total body)
  33. DPA  stands for Defence Procurement Agency
  34. DPA  stands for Domestic Partnership Act (various locations)
  35. DPA  stands for Digital Photo Academy (various locations)
  36. DPA  stands for Déduction Fiscale pour Aléas (French: Tax Deduction for Hazards)
  37. DPA  stands for Droit Public des Affaires (French: Public Business Law)
  38. DPA  stands for Destructive Physical Analysis
  39. DPA  stands for Dayton Peace Agreement
  40. DPA  stands for Department of Public Aid
  41. DPA  stands for Dipicolinic Acid
  42. DPA  stands for Distributed-Power Architecture
  43. DPA  stands for Delegation of Procurement Authority
  44. DPA  stands for Designated Person Ashore (shipping)
  45. DPA  stands for Data Processing Assistant (various locations)
  46. DPA  stands for Doctor of Public Administration
  47. DPA  stands for Dubai Ports Authority
  48. DPA  stands for Destination Port Address
  49. DPA  stands for Dynamic Passcode Authentication
  50. DPA  stands for Data Protection Agency
  51. DPA  stands for Delaware Public Archives
  52. DPA  stands for Data Processing Algorithm
  53. DPA  stands for Delegated Purchasing Authority (various locations)
  54. DPA  stands for Department of Public Administration
  55. DPA  stands for Displacements Per Atom
  56. DPA  stands for Document Process Automation (computing)
  57. DPA  stands for Dudley Pond Association (Wayland, MA)
  58. DPA  stands for Dallage Pavage Aménagement (French paving company)
  59. DPA  stands for Distributed Password Authentication
  60. DPA  stands for Demand Protocol Architecture
  61. DPA  stands for West Chicago, Illinois (Airport Code)
  62. DPA  stands for Danish Pedophile Association
  63. DPA  stands for Dipropyl Acetate
  64. DPA  stands for Development Permit Area
  65. DPA  stands for Diphenylanthracene
  66. DPA  stands for Digital Power Amplifier
  67. DPA  stands for Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
  68. DPA  stands for Democratic Party of Albania
  69. DPA  stands for Denver Pale Ale (Great Divide Brewing)
  70. DPA  stands for Department of Public Assistance
  71. DPA  stands for Direct Professional Access (legal term)
  72. DPA  stands for Dine Power Authority (Navajo Nation)
  73. DPA  stands for Direct Polytechnic Admission Exercise (Singapore)
  74. DPA  stands for Democratic Party of Arkansas (Little Rock, Arkansas)
  75. DPA  stands for Dampier Port Authority (Australia)
  76. DPA  stands for Digital Precipitation Array
  77. DPA  stands for Deer Park Avenue
  78. DPA  stands for Dallas Police Association
  79. DPA  stands for Direct Protection Aménagements (French: Direct Protection Facilities)
  80. DPA  stands for Digital Pre-Assembly (Boeing’s 777, 737 and Space Station)
  81. DPA  stands for Dynamiques Professionnelles d’Artistes (French: Dynamic Professional Artists)
  82. DPA  stands for Data Processing Activity
  83. DPA  stands for Destination Palo Alto (tourism; Palo Alto, CA)
  84. DPA  stands for Dialysis Purchasing Alliance
  85. DPA  stands for Digital Production Arts
  86. DPA  stands for Department Property Administrator
  87. DPA  stands for Data Processing Agency
  88. DPA  stands for Docks des Pétroles d’Ambès (French: Ambès Oil Docks; Ambès, France)
  89. DPA  stands for Direct Product Account (various companies)
  90. DPA  stands for Diagnostic Pharmaceutical Agent (optometry)
  91. DPA  stands for Definitive Purchase Agreement
  92. DPA  stands for Delaware Pilots Association
  93. DPA  stands for Dynamic Packet Assignment
  94. DPA  stands for Digital PBX Adapter (Cisco, VoIP)
  95. DPA  stands for Disabled Persons Association
  96. DPA  stands for Directory Publishers Association
  97. DPA  stands for Division of the Public Advocate (Delaware)
  98. DPA  stands for Daniel Penn Associates
  99. DPA  stands for DragonAir Pilots Association
  100. DPA  stands for Swiss Federal Data Protection Act
  101. DPA  stands for Defence Per Acre (gaming)
  102. DPA  stands for Dual Phone Adapter
  103. DPA  stands for Director of Personnel & Administration
  104. DPA  stands for Development Plan Approval (various locations)
  105. DPA  stands for Defense Protection Act
  106. DPA  stands for Distinguished Performance Award
  107. DPA  stands for Double-Precision Arithmetic
  108. DPA  stands for Dynamic Priority Adjustment
  109. DPA  stands for Deepwater Ports Act of 1974
  110. DPA  stands for Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope
  111. DPA  stands for Driver Power Amplifier
  112. DPA  stands for Dual Premise Address
  113. DPA  stands for Digital Phase Analysis (Tektronix)
  114. DPA  stands for Data Protecting Act
  115. DPA  stands for Data Privacy Algorithm
  116. DPA  stands for Divisional Purchase Agreement
  117. DPA  stands for Dynamic Passenger Allocation
  118. DPA  stands for Delivery Purchase Agreement (appendix to a purchasing contract setting logistics parameters)
  119. DPA  stands for Depot Planning Annex
  120. DPA  stands for Digital Production Administrator
  121. DPA  stands for Disk Production Activity
  122. DPA  stands for Direct Pricing Agreement (logistics)
  123. DPA  stands for Distributive Pool Account
  124. DPA  stands for Downlink Phased Array (US DoD)
  125. DPA  stands for Deferred Prosecution Agreement
  126. DPA  stands for Doctor of Public Accountancy

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