1. DPLC stands for Direct Pay Letter of Credit (finance)
  2. DPLC stands for Domestic Private Leased Circuit (telecommunications)
  3. DPLC stands for Debout pour le Congo (French: Standing for the Congo; Belgium)
  4. DPLC stands for Dépôts Pétroliers de la Corse (French: Oil Deposits of Corsica)
  5. DPLC stands for Digital Photography Learning Center
  6. DPLC stands for Democratic Party of Lane County (Oregon)
  7. DPLC stands for Dépassement du Plafond Limite de Classement (French: Exceeding the Maximum Limit of Grading; Switzerland)
  8. DPLC stands for Digital Power Line Carrier (telecommunications)
  9. DPLC stands for Design for Product Life Cycle (national conference; India)
  10. DPLC stands for Dayton Power and Light Company (also seen as DPL and DP&L; Dayton, OH)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning