- DQ stands for Dairy Queen
- DQ stands for Data Quality
- DQ stands for Dragon Quest (video game)
- DQ stands for Disqualification
- DQ stands for Dancing Queen
- DQ stands for Data Quest (California Department of Education)
- DQ stands for Drama Queen
- DQ stands for Don’t Quit
- DQ stands for Drag Queen
- DQ stands for Discussion Questions (education)
- DQ stands for Design Qualification
- DQ stands for Drawing Quality
- DQ stands for Difference Quotient
- DQ stands for Director of Quality
- DQ stands for Design Query (databases)
- DQ stands for Data Question
- DQ stands for Definite Quantity
- DQ stands for Doctor Quinn (Medicine Woman)
- DQ stands for Digital Queers
- DQ stands for Distribution of Quality
- DQ stands for Deceleration Quotient
- DQ stands for Direct-Quadrature (converter)
- DQ stands for Dressage Queen
- DQ stands for Drift Queen
- DQ stands for Distributed Queueing
- DQ stands for Diisque (Latin: And to the Gods, epigraphy)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning