1. DR stands for Drive
  2. DR stands for Doctor Robert (Beatles song)
  3. DR stands for Delivery Room
  4. DR stands for Digital River (e-commerce solutions)
  5. DR stands for Doctor
  6. DR stands for Door
  7. DR stands for Development Report
  8. DR stands for Down (Stage) Right
  9. DR stands for Drop
  10. DR stands for Data Request
  11. DR stands for Dear
  12. DR stands for Design Review
  13. DR stands for Discount Rate
  14. DR stands for Deep Red (movie)
  15. DR stands for Death Row (Quake 3 Clan)
  16. DR stands for Dining Room (real estate)
  17. DR stands for Drum
  18. DR stands for Demand Response (energy)
  19. DR stands for Data Research
  20. DR stands for Data Recovery (business continuity planning)
  21. DR stands for Data Rate
  22. DR stands for Digital Research
  23. DR stands for Dynamic Range
  24. DR stands for Dominican Republic
  25. DR stands for Designated Router (networking)
  26. DR stands for Donor (IRB)
  27. DR stands for Dispute Resolution (various organizations)
  28. DR stands for Disaster Recovery
  29. DR stands for Data Received
  30. DR stands for Democratic Republic
  31. DR stands for Data Reduction
  32. DR stands for Dose Rate
  33. DR stands for Disaster Relief (US DoD)
  34. DR stands for Direct Route
  35. DR stands for Delivery Report
  36. DR stands for Disaster Response (US DoD)
  37. DR stands for Daniel Radcliffe (actor)
  38. DR stands for Drifting (METAR descriptor)
  39. DR stands for Dropper (virus scanners)
  40. DR stands for Doppler Radar
  41. DR stands for Danmarks Radio
  42. DR stands for Deputy Registrar
  43. DR stands for Delayed Release (medicine)
  44. DR stands for Digital Radiography
  45. DR stands for Drudge Report
  46. DR stands for Distributed Resources
  47. DR stands for Digital Receiver (US DoD)
  48. DR stands for Dram
  49. DR stands for Diabetic Retinopathy
  50. DR stands for Data Repository
  51. DR stands for Defect Report (regression testing documentation)
  52. DR stands for Damage Reduction (Dungeons & Dragons gaming)
  53. DR stands for Director of Recruiting
  54. DR stands for Dopamine Receptor (protein-coupled receptors)
  55. DR stands for Data Recorder
  56. DR stands for Demande de Remboursement (French: Request for Reimbursement)
  57. DR stands for Diary Room (Big Brother TV show)
  58. DR stands for Designated Representative (various organizations)
  59. DR stands for Diameter Router
  60. DR stands for Devil Rays (baseball team)
  61. DR stands for Drag Reduction
  62. DR stands for Das Reich (WWII 2nd SS-Panzer division)
  63. DR stands for Delivery Rate
  64. DR stands for Direct Report (chain of command)
  65. DR stands for Divine Retribution (gaming)
  66. DR stands for Dead Reckoning (navigation)
  67. DR stands for Drachma (Greek currency)
  68. DR stands for Downrange
  69. DR stands for Dynamic Reconfiguration
  70. DR stands for Douay-Rheims Bible
  71. DR stands for Deutsche Reichsbahn (German Railways; Weimar Republic and Third Reich, 1920-1949)
  72. DR stands for Deutsche Reichsbahn (East German / DDR State Railways, 1949-1994)
  73. DR stands for Data Redundancy (business continuity planning)
  74. DR stands for Development Region (Nepal)
  75. DR stands for District Ranger (National Park Service)
  76. DR stands for Dragon Runner (US Marine Corps unmanned ground vehicle)
  77. DR stands for Dispatch Reliability (aircraft)
  78. DR stands for Driver Release (UPS, leaving a pkg without a signature)
  79. DR stands for Direction de la Recherche (French: Directorate of Research)
  80. DR stands for Developmental Review
  81. DR stands for Data Requirement
  82. DR stands for Despatch Rider
  83. DR stands for Diseños Románticos (Spanish: Romantic Designs; Guatemala)
  84. DR stands for Dispersion Relation
  85. DR stands for Dighton-Rehoboth (Massachusetts)
  86. DR stands for Decision Review
  87. DR stands for dielectronic recombination
  88. DR stands for Disconnect Request
  89. DR stands for Depth Required
  90. DR stands for Dielectric Resonator
  91. DR stands for Developer Release (Linux)
  92. DR stands for Deployment Readiness
  93. DR stands for District Registry
  94. DR stands for Derde Rijk (Dutch: Third Reich)
  95. DR stands for Deficiency Report
  96. DR stands for Dartmouth Review (Dartmouth College)
  97. DR stands for Discrepancy Report
  98. DR stands for Double Replacement (chemical reaction)
  99. DR stands for Data Receive (signal)
  100. DR stands for Dynamic Representation (software engineering)
  101. DR stands for Dragon Realms (online role-playing game by Simutronics Incorporated)
  102. DR stands for Detection Radar
  103. DR stands for Dead Round (online gaming)
  104. DR stands for The Dragon Riders (gaming)
  105. DR stands for Differential Reporting
  106. DR stands for Display Request
  107. DR stands for Displacement Ratio
  108. DR stands for Drilling Reservist
  109. DR stands for Digital Rack
  110. DR stands for Direct Recycling (soft-decision decoding technique)
  111. DR stands for Designated Receiver
  112. DR stands for Discharge Resistor
  113. DR stands for Desktop Requisition (purchases)
  114. DR stands for Dubinin/Radushkevich (equation)
  115. DR stands for Deflection Ratio
  116. DR stands for Debit Record
  117. DR stands for Department Requisition
  118. DR stands for Double Rub (fabric testing)
  119. DR stands for Directed Retry
  120. DR stands for Divide Register (IBM)
  121. DR stands for Dynamic Replenishment
  122. DR stands for Deep Reflux
  123. DR stands for Delayed Reservation
  124. DR stands for Doppler Rate
  125. DR stands for Diferencia de Riesgos (Spanish: risk difference)
  126. DR stands for Delay Reducer (gaming)
  127. DR stands for Development Requisition
  128. DR stands for Decoy Research
  129. DR stands for Digital Resolver
  130. DR stands for Decision Redundancy
  131. DR stands for Deficiency/Discrepancy Report
  132. DR stands for Document Request System
  133. DR stands for Dice Roll(er) (gaming)
  134. DR stands for Diazo Reproducible Full Size Drawing
Abbreviations And Their Meaning