1. DRA  stands for Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (Bible)
  2. DRA  stands for Default Retirement Age (UK)
  3. DRA  stands for Department of Regulatory Affairs (Colorado)
  4. DRA  stands for Developmental Reading Assessment (educational test)
  5. DRA  stands for Debt Relief Agency
  6. DRA  stands for Disability Rights Activists
  7. DRA  stands for Del Ray Artisans (Alexandria, VA)
  8. DRA  stands for Diameter Routing Agent
  9. DRA  stands for Division of Ratepayer Advocates (California)
  10. DRA  stands for Design Risk Assessment (business methodology)
  11. DRA  stands for Data Recovery Agent (Microsoft)
  12. DRA  stands for Dual Recovery Anonymous
  13. DRA  stands for Delta Regional Authority
  14. DRA  stands for Debt Recovery Agent
  15. DRA  stands for Demand Responsive Approach (water supply)
  16. DRA  stands for Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (1978-1992)
  17. DRA  stands for Détachement de Reconnaissance d’Armée (French: Army Recognition Detachment)
  18. DRA  stands for Data Research Associates
  19. DRA  stands for Directory and Resource Administrator
  20. DRA  stands for Dispositif Régional d’Accompagnement (French: Regional Support Device)
  21. DRA  stands for Dielectric Resonator Antenna
  22. DRA  stands for Deinococcus Radiodurans
  23. DRA  stands for Dude Ranchers’ Association
  24. DRA  stands for Drag Reducing Agents
  25. DRA  stands for Drug Regulatory Authority (various nations)
  26. DRA  stands for Directives Régionales d’Aménagement (French: Regional Planning Guidelines)
  27. DRA  stands for Don’t Run Away (educational program; StandUp for Kids)
  28. DRA  stands for Dark Room Assistant
  29. DRA  stands for Driver’s Reminder Appliance (trains)
  30. DRA  stands for Dynamic Resource Allocation
  31. DRA  stands for Defense Research Agency
  32. DRA  stands for Discontinuously Reinforced Aluminum
  33. DRA  stands for Dispute Resolution Agreement
  34. DRA  stands for Distributed Raman Amplification
  35. DRA  stands for Deafness Resources Australia
  36. DRA  stands for Deficit Reduction Act of 1984
  37. DRA  stands for Datus Rhône Alpes (French industrial technology firm)
  38. DRA  stands for Deputy Regional Administrator
  39. DRA  stands for Downregulated in Adenoma
  40. DRA  stands for Disability Resource Association (Crystal City, MO)
  41. DRA  stands for Data Recovery Advantage (CBL Data Recovery; Barbados)
  42. DRA  stands for Dynamic Rate Adaptation
  43. DRA  stands for Directory Replication Agent
  44. DRA  stands for Decision Risk Analysis
  45. DRA  stands for Don’t Recognize Acronyms
  46. DRA  stands for Dead Reckoning Analyzer
  47. DRA  stands for Débarquement des Ravagés de l’Airsoft (French: Landed from the Ravages of Airsoft)
  48. DRA  stands for Drainage Retention Area
  49. DRA  stands for Distributed Restoration Algorithm
  50. DRA  stands for Drivers Reminder Appliance (UK trains)
  51. DRA  stands for Distributed Robotic Architecture
  52. DRA  stands for Dynamic Range Adjust (IKONOS Imagery)
  53. DRA  stands for Dining Room Assistant
  54. DRA  stands for Dreaded Rear Admiral (band)
  55. DRA  stands for Dual-Reflector Antenna
  56. DRA  stands for Data Rate Adapter
  57. DRA  stands for Design Review Agency
  58. DRA  stands for Dynamic Reclaiming Algorithm
  59. DRA  stands for Data Release Authorization (US NASA)
  60. DRA  stands for Deployment Requirements Assessment
  61. DRA  stands for Direction de La Recherche Appliquée (French)
  62. DRA  stands for Design Review Agreement
  63. DRA  stands for Digit-Recurrence Algorithm
  64. DRA  stands for Digital Recorded Announcement
  65. DRA  stands for Deployment/Deactivation Requirements Analysis
  66. DRA  stands for Dénomination Rapide Enfants (French: Rapid Naming Children; research software)
  67. DRA  stands for Data Record Analysis
  68. DRA  stands for Discrete Raman Amplifier
  69. DRA  stands for Dual Rational Arnoldi (algorithm)
  70. DRA  stands for Defense Research and Applications
  71. DRA  stands for Defense Reauthorization Act of 1991
  72. DRA  stands for Defense Reporting Activity (US DoD)
  73. DRA  stands for Dynamic Redeployment Algorithm
  74. DRA  stands for Designated Repair Activity
  75. DRA  stands for Director of Royal Artillery (UK and Australia)
  76. DRA  stands for Disaster Recovery Area
  77. DRA  stands for Depot Repair Action(s)
  78. DRA  stands for Distributed Resources Assessment

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