1. DREAM  stands for Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act (US)
  2. DREAM  stands for Diabetes Reduction Assessment with Ramipril and Rosiglitazone Medication (drug trial)
  3. DREAM  stands for Downtown Revitalization and Economic Assistance for Missouri
  4. DREAM  stands for Distance Routing Effect Algorithm for Mobility
  5. DREAM  stands for Downstream-Regulatory-Element Antagonist Modulator
  6. DREAM  stands for Dialogue for Reverse Engineering Assessments and Methods
  7. DREAM  stands for Drugs Rule Everything Around Me (Transplants song)
  8. DREAM  stands for Danish Rimpuff and Eulerian Accidental Release Model
  9. DREAM  stands for Dedication Responsibility Education Attitude Motivation
  10. DREAM  stands for Dolphin Research Education And Management (Australia)
  11. DREAM  stands for Defence Related Environmental Assessment Method (UK)
  12. DREAM  stands for Discover the Reality of Educating All Minds (student club)
  13. DREAM  stands for Directing through Recreation, Education, Adventure and Mentoring Program (Burlington, VT)
  14. DREAM  stands for Disney Resort Experiences Are Magic
  15. DREAM  stands for Dynamically Reconfigurable Energy Aware Multimedia
  16. DREAM  stands for Distributed Routing Effect Algorithm for Mobility
  17. DREAM  stands for Don’t Really Expect Any Money
  18. DREAM  stands for Daily Recharge Assessment Model (hydrometeorology)

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