1. DRM  stands for Digital Rights Management
  2. DRM  stands for Digital Restrictions Management
  3. DRM  stands for Digital Radio Mondiale (ETSI TS 101 980)
  4. DRM  stands for Doesn’t Really Matter
  5. DRM  stands for Data Reference Model
  6. DRM  stands for Departamento de Recursos Minerais (Portuguese: Department of Mineral Resources; Brazil)
  7. DRM  stands for Dauphine Recherches en Management (French: Dauphine Research in Management)
  8. DRM  stands for Deutsche Rallye-Meisterschaft (German rally championship)
  9. DRM  stands for Direct Response Marketing
  10. DRM  stands for Distributed Resource Management
  11. DRM  stands for Dispute Resolution Mechanism (various organizations)
  12. DRM  stands for Disaster Recovery Manager
  13. DRM  stands for Direction du Renseignement Militaire (French military secret service)
  14. DRM  stands for Disability Resources Monthly
  15. DRM  stands for Design Reference Mission
  16. DRM  stands for Divisional Railway Manager (India Rail)
  17. DRM  stands for Data Resource Management
  18. DRM  stands for Deputy Regional Manager (various companies)
  19. DRM  stands for Directorate of Resource Management
  20. DRM  stands for Data Replication Manager (Compaq)
  21. DRM  stands for Device Relationship Management (Axeda Systems Inc.)
  22. DRM  stands for Deese-Roediger-McDermott (psychology experiment)
  23. DRM  stands for Document and Record Management
  24. DRM  stands for Data Request Message (computing)
  25. DRM  stands for Déclaration Récapitulative Mensuelle (French: Monthly Summary Statement)
  26. DRM  stands for Disability Rights Movement
  27. DRM  stands for Digital Road Map
  28. DRM  stands for Dead Reckoning Module (Point Research Corp.)
  29. DRM  stands for Development Rate Monitor (microelectronics)
  30. DRM  stands for Director of Resource Management
  31. DRM  stands for Drawing Requirements Manual (drafting)
  32. DRM  stands for Desmin-Related Myopathy
  33. DRM  stands for Direct Rendering Management
  34. DRM  stands for Disaster and Risk Management
  35. DRM  stands for Democratic Renewal Movement (Lebanon)
  36. DRM  stands for Department of Resource Management
  37. DRM  stands for Data Representation Model
  38. DRM  stands for Dylan Reference Manual (computer programming)
  39. DRM  stands for Data & Records Management
  40. DRM  stands for Diminishing Manufacturing Sources (US DoD)
  41. DRM  stands for Democratic Republican Movement (Rwanda)
  42. DRM  stands for Design Review Meeting
  43. DRM  stands for Destination Release Mechanism (Distributed Queue Dual Bus, IEEE 802.6)
  44. DRM  stands for Die-Roll Modifier (gaming)
  45. DRM  stands for Domain Resource Manager
  46. DRM  stands for Développement Réalisation Management (French: Development Management Director)
  47. DRM  stands for DAB Readiness Meeting
  48. DRM  stands for Dynamic Resource Manager
  49. DRM  stands for Drafting Room Manual
  50. DRM  stands for Disk Resource Management
  51. DRM  stands for Domain Requirements Model
  52. DRM  stands for Data Receiving Module
  53. DRM  stands for Dina Rättigheter Minskar (Swedish: Your Rights Diminish)
  54. DRM  stands for Design Rules Manual
  55. DRM  stands for Defense Acquisition Board Readiness Meeting
  56. DRM  stands for David Rothstein Music, Inc (Chicago, IL )
  57. DRM  stands for Dental Repair Technician (US Navy)
  58. DRM  stands for Drafting Requirements Manual
  59. DRM  stands for Direction of Relative Movement
  60. DRM  stands for Door, Roll-Up, Manual
  61. DRM  stands for Drouault Radiocommunication Mobiles (French: Drouault Mobile Radio)
  62. DRM  stands for Data Recovery/Reduction Module
  63. DRM  stands for Division of Raw Materials (US Atomic Energy Commission)
  64. DRM  stands for Distance-Reducing Mapping
  65. DRM  stands for Deutsches Reichsmark (German money pre-1945)
  66. DRM  stands for Diastolic Regurgitant Murmur (neonatology)
  67. DRM  stands for Drafting Reference Manual

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