1. DRMD stands for Deep Run Marathon Dance (Glen Allen, VA)
  2. DRMD stands for Duramed Pharmaceuticals (stock symbol)
  3. DRMD stands for Deployments Requirements Manning Document (US DoD)
  4. DRMD stands for Département Romand des Ministères Diaconaux
  5. DRMD stands for Division of Radiation and Medical Devices
  6. DRMD
    stands for Droit médiatisé
  7. DRMD stands for Dystrophin-Related Muscular Dystrophies
  8. DRMD stands for Deputy Region MARS Director
  9. DRMD stands for Distributed Real-time Model-based Diagnosis
  10. DRMD stands for DNA Repair and Mitochondrial Damage
  11. DRMD stands for Don’t Roll Me Down (song remix)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning