1. DRS stands for Drag Reduction System (automobile racing)
  2. DRS stands for Direct Registration System (securities)
  3. DRS stands for Drives (street suffix)
  4. DRS stands for Division of Rehabilitation Services (various locations)
  5. DRS stands for Department of Rural Sociology (various schools)
  6. DRS stands for Department of Rehabilitative Services
  7. DRS stands for Department of Rehabilitation Services
  8. DRS stands for Department of Revenue Services (Connecticut)
  9. DRS stands for Decission Review System (cricket)
  10. DRS stands for Département de Renseignement et de Sécurité (French: Department of Intelligence and Security; Algeria)
  11. DRS stands for Dispute Resolution System (realtors)
  12. DRS stands for Dispute Resolution Service
  13. DRS stands for Data Recovery Service
  14. DRS stands for Defensive Runs Saved (baseball statistic)
  15. DRS stands for Developmental Research School (Florida)
  16. DRS stands for Designated Record Set (medical records; various organizations)
  17. DRS stands for Dust Removal System (cleaning equipment)
  18. DRS stands for Distributed Resource Scheduling (VMWare Virtual Infrastructure 3)
  19. DRS stands for Disaster Response Services (various organizations)
  20. DRS stands for Doctorandus
  21. DRS stands for Data Reduction Software (imaging technology)
  22. DRS stands for Dementia Rating Scale
  23. DRS stands for Diabetic Retinopathy Study (US NIH)
  24. DRS stands for Déclaration des Risques Sociaux (French: Declaration of Social Risks; Belgium)
  25. DRS stands for Disaster Recovery System
  26. DRS stands for Dago Radio Sound (Internet radio)
  27. DRS stands for Deficiency Reporting System
  28. DRS stands for Doctors’ Reform Society of Australia
  29. DRS stands for Deposito Rotabili Storici (Italian: Historical Rolling Stock Depot)
  30. DRS stands for Data Repository System (business information system)
  31. DRS stands for Disability Rating Scale
  32. DRS stands for Deutsche Rallye Serie (German: German Rally Series)
  33. DRS stands for Driving Rights Suspended (Franklin County Municipal Court; Columbus, OH)
  34. DRS stands for Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (rap group)
  35. DRS stands for Data Relay Satellite
  36. DRS stands for Dynamic Resource Scheduling (VMware technolgy to provide computing resources on demand)
  37. DRS stands for Document Retrieval Service (various locations)
  38. DRS stands for Development Review Services (various locations)
  39. DRS stands for Discourse Representation Structure
  40. DRS stands for Debtor Reporting System (World Bank)
  41. DRS stands for Dialogues et Relations Sociales (French: Dialogues and Social Relations)
  42. DRS stands for Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy
  43. DRS stands for Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy
  44. DRS stands for Decreasing Returns to Scale
  45. DRS stands for Digital Recording System
  46. DRS stands for Disturbance Reduction System
  47. DRS stands for Dub-Room Special (Frank Zappa video)
  48. DRS stands for Drum Recovery System
  49. DRS stands for Daily Report Sheet
  50. DRS stands for Disaster Recovery Strategy
  51. DRS stands for Document Retrieval System
  52. DRS stands for Dirt Road Scholars (music band)
  53. DRS stands for Duane Retraction Syndrome
  54. DRS stands for Data Reduction System
  55. DRS stands for Digital Reference Service
  56. DRS stands for Decompression, Reduction and Stabilization (lumbar spine)
  57. DRS stands for Dansk Radiologisk Selskab (Danish Society of Radiology)
  58. DRS stands for Dresden, Germany – Dresden (Airport Code)
  59. DRS stands for Disaster Reconnaissance System (trailers)
  60. DRS stands for Radio der Deutschen Und Rätoromanischen Schweiz (Radio of the German and Rhaeto-Romanic speaking Switzerland)
  61. DRS stands for Data Retention Solution
  62. DRS stands for Dauphiné Rénovation Services (France)
  63. DRS stands for Directory Replication Service
  64. DRS stands for WordPerfect Driver Resource (File Name Extension)
  65. DRS stands for Data Retrieval and Storage
  66. DRS stands for Deutscher Rechnungslegungsstandard (German accounting standard)
  67. DRS stands for Doppler Radar System
  68. DRS stands for Dynamic Report System
  69. DRS stands for Division of Radiation Safety
  70. DRS stands for Data Rate Selector
  71. DRS stands for Dropsonde Receiver Subsystem
  72. DRS stands for Diagnostic Reading Scales
  73. DRS stands for Digital Reference Sequence
  74. DRS stands for Directory Retrieval System (US Postal Service)
  75. DRS stands for Défense et Restauration du Sol (French: Defense and Restoration of Soil)
  76. DRS stands for Département Recherches Subatomiques (French: Subatomic Research Department; Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien; Strasbourg, France)
  77. DRS stands for Data Retrieval Subsystem
  78. DRS stands for Discrepancy Reporting System
  79. DRS stands for Data Relay Station
  80. DRS stands for Delayed Reaction Syndrome
  81. DRS stands for Division Restructuring Study
  82. DRS stands for Doctor of Religious Science
  83. DRS stands for Double-Ring-With-Star (network topology)
  84. DRS stands for Data Receiving Station
  85. DRS stands for Digital Radar Simulator
  86. DRS stands for Design Reference System
  87. DRS stands for Deployable Red Switch
  88. DRS stands for Deployment Readiness Service
  89. DRS stands for Digital Reconfiguration Service (WorldCom)
  90. DRS stands for Data Refinement System
  91. DRS stands for Distributed Rate Splitting
  92. DRS stands for Document Review Sheet
  93. DRS stands for Data Recording Subsystem
  94. DRS stands for Design Requirements Specifications
  95. DRS stands for Development Requirement Specification
  96. DRS stands for Detention Records System
  97. DRS stands for Dexterous Robotics System
  98. DRS stands for Département de Recherches en Sécurité (French: Department of Safety Research; Institut de Protection et de Sûreté Nucléaire)
  99. DRS stands for Dependability Requirements Specification
  100. DRS stands for Dynamic Reflectance Spectroscopy
  101. DRS  stands for Dynamic Resonance Systems Incorporated
  102. DRS stands for Dominion Report Series
  103. DRS stands for Deae Romae Sacrum (Latin: Sacred to the Godess Rome, epigraphy)
  104. DRS stands for Dealer Recommended Service
  105. DRS stands for Detailed Requirements Statement (Sprint)
  106. DRS stands for Detecting & Ranging Set
  107. DRS stands for Digital Reconnaissance System
  108. DRS stands for Digital Receiving Station
  109. DRS stands for Dedicated Request Slot
  110. DRS stands for Driver Record Surcharge (insurance)
  111. DRS stands for Driveline Remanufacture System
  112. DRS stands for Drawing Retrieval System
  113. DRS stands for Distribution Receiving Station
  114. DRS stands for Destination Rail Station
  115. DRS stands for Dry Reed Switch
  116. DRS stands for Doped Repeat Scramble (data transmission)
  117. DRS stands for Detress Respiratory Syndrome
Abbreviations And Their Meaning