1. DS  stands for Dead Space
  2. DS  stands for Digital Spy (website)
  3. DS  stands for Direct Sequence
  4. DS  stands for Dark Souls (gaming; Nintendo)
  5. DS  stands for Dual Screen (Nintendo gaming console)
  6. DS  stands for Don’t Suck (gaming)
  7. DS  stands for Data Squad (gaming)
  8. DS  stands for Discover (credit card)
  9. DS  stands for Deep Space
  10. DS  stands for Data Set
  11. DS  stands for Dungeon Siege (video game)
  12. DS  stands for Dancing Stage (arcade game)
  13. DS  stands for Death Star (Star Wars)
  14. DS  stands for Data Sheet
  15. DS  stands for Dark Side (gaming; Star Wars)
  16. DS  stands for Data Source
  17. DS  stands for Data Storage
  18. DS  stands for Directory Services (ISO)
  19. DS  stands for Data Server
  20. DS  stands for Data Structure
  21. DS  stands for Data Services
  22. DS  stands for Digital Signal
  23. DS  stands for Disney Studios
  24. DS  stands for Down’s Syndrome
  25. DS  stands for Data Security
  26. DS  stands for Decision Support
  27. DS  stands for Database Server
  28. DS  stands for Double Sided
  29. DS  stands for Data Segment
  30. DS  stands for Distributed Systems
  31. DS  stands for Drop Ship
  32. DS  stands for Double Strength
  33. DS  stands for Direct Support
  34. DS  stands for Dragon Slayer
  35. DS  stands for Distribution System
  36. DS  stands for Digital Signature (electronic documentation)
  37. DS  stands for Data System
  38. DS  stands for Disclosure Statement (various organizations)
  39. DS  stands for Double Stranded
  40. DS  stands for Dream Scape (gaming)
  41. DS  stands for Detection System
  42. DS  stands for Dark Shadows (TV soap opera)
  43. DS  stands for Deputy Secretary (various locations)
  44. DS  stands for Dispute Settlement
  45. DS  stands for Dead Sea
  46. DS  stands for Dark Soul (Mega Man Battle Network 4)
  47. DS  stands for Diplomatic Security
  48. DS  stands for Distribution Services (SNA)
  49. DS  stands for Dollar Store
  50. DS  stands for Dual-Stack (computing)
  51. DS  stands for Daytime Sleepiness
  52. DS  stands for Digital Stream
  53. DS  stands for Diffserv
  54. DS  stands for Daylight Savings
  55. DS  stands for Delta Squad (game, Star Wars)
  56. DS  stands for Door Switch (various companies)
  57. DS  stands for Dansk Sejlunion (Danish Sailing Association)
  58. DS  stands for Democratici Di Sinistra (Italian political party, left wing)
  59. DS  stands for Digital Services
  60. DS  stands for Defense System
  61. DS  stands for Date Stamp
  62. DS  stands for Dentsply Sirona (dental products)
  63. DS  stands for Dansk Standard
  64. DS  stands for Dead Souls (band)
  65. DS  stands for Dining Services
  66. DS  stands for Dual Suspension (bicycles)
  67. DS  stands for Down Stream
  68. DS  stands for Data Space
  69. DS  stands for Darmstadtium
  70. DS  stands for Due South
  71. DS  stands for Data Synchronization
  72. DS  stands for Dallas Semiconductor (Maxim Integrated Products)
  73. DS  stands for Distributed Software
  74. DS  stands for Deep Sleep (Logan’s Run novel)
  75. DS  stands for Diesel Sweeties (comic strip)
  76. DS  stands for Data Switch
  77. DS  stands for Depression Screening
  78. DS  stands for Discovery Science (International Conference)
  79. DS  stands for Deadstock (brand new)
  80. DS  stands for Dil Se (Hindi movie)
  81. DS  stands for Dry Season
  82. DS  stands for David Schwimmer (actor)
  83. DS  stands for Digital Switch
  84. DS  stands for Diamond Sword (gaming tribe)
  85. DS  stands for Debt Service
  86. DS  stands for Dynamic System
  87. DS  stands for Double Spoiler (photography game)
  88. DS  stands for Digital Sign
  89. DS  stands for Documentation Set
  90. DS  stands for Data Strobe
  91. DS  stands for Docking System
  92. DS  stands for Disconnect Switch (electronics)
  93. DS  stands for Document Storage
  94. DS  stands for Domain Server
  95. DS  stands for Directory Separator (computer programming)
  96. DS  stands for Detective Sergeant
  97. DS  stands for Dean of Students
  98. DS  stands for Data Send
  99. DS  stands for Dynamic Scripting (computer programming)
  100. DS  stands for Delivery Schedule
  101. DS  stands for Drill Sergeant
  102. DS  stands for Day Surgery (medical)
  103. DS  stands for Demokratska Stranka (Serbian: Democratic Party; political party created in Serbia in 1989)
  104. DS  stands for Double Spaced
  105. DS  stands for Dear Son
  106. DS  stands for Data Speed
  107. DS  stands for Del Shannon (music artist)
  108. DS  stands for Dana Scully (X-Files character)
  109. DS  stands for Deputy Sheriff
  110. DS  stands for Death Squad
  111. DS  stands for Doctoral Student (various locations)
  112. DS  stands for Disc Storage
  113. DS  stands for Double Strike (printers)
  114. DS  stands for Drain Sump
  115. DS  stands for Deion Sanders (NFL player)
  116. DS  stands for Dermatan Sulfate
  117. DS  stands for Drive Select (hard drive jumper)
  118. DS  stands for Directorate for Information Systems and Services (US DoD; Defense Intelligence Agency)
  119. DS  stands for Darling Son
  120. DS  stands for Defense Support
  121. DS  stands for Degree of Substitution
  122. DS  stands for Downspout
  123. DS  stands for Diplôme Supérieur (French: Advanced Diploma)
  124. DS  stands for Defense Science
  125. DS  stands for Detailed Scheduling
  126. DS  stands for Drive Single
  127. DS  stands for Destination Specialist
  128. DS  stands for Data Switching
  129. DS  stands for Distributed Services
  130. DS  stands for Design Statement
  131. DS  stands for Drive Side
  132. DS  stands for Domenico Scarlatti (classical composer)
  133. DS  stands for District Sales
  134. DS  stands for Deutsche Stimme
  135. DS  stands for Doctor of Science
  136. DS  stands for Desert Shield/Storm
  137. DS  stands for Developer System (Nintendo)
  138. DS  stands for Directed Studies
  139. DS  stands for DeathScythe (Gundam game)
  140. DS  stands for Daniel Snyder (Washington Redskins owner)
  141. DS  stands for Dominance and Submission
  142. DS  stands for Days Supply (prescription)
  143. DS  stands for Doctoral Symposium
  144. DS  stands for Directionally Solidified (metallurgy)
  145. DS  stands for Devil Square (gaming)
  146. DS  stands for Duststorm (METAR weather)
  147. DS  stands for Drug-Sensitive
  148. DS  stands for Dispersion Shifted (optical fiber)
  149. DS  stands for Dynamic Soaring
  150. DS  stands for Disconnect Supervision (telecommunications)
  151. DS  stands for Document Specification
  152. DS  stands for Duty Status
  153. DS  stands for Dropside
  154. DS  stands for Differential Search Algorithm (computing)
  155. DS  stands for Damage Shield (Everquest)
  156. DS  stands for Dry Solid
  157. DS  stands for Division of Safety (Office of Research Services; US NIH)
  158. DS  stands for Down Stage
  159. DS  stands for Deep Strike
  160. DS  stands for Dal Segno (Latin: From the Sign)
  161. DS  stands for Data Scanning
  162. DS  stands for Detail Specification
  163. DS  stands for Dental Squadron
  164. DS  stands for Data Separation
  165. DS  stands for Data Standardization
  166. DS  stands for Directing Staff
  167. DS  stands for Doppler Spectrum
  168. DS  stands for Decisive Storm
  169. DS  stands for Define Storage (assembly language directive)
  170. DS  stands for Dark Steel (gaming)
  171. DS  stands for Drive Spring
  172. DS  stands for Drill String
  173. DS  stands for Direction Scientifique (French: Research Office; various locations)
  174. DS  stands for Disney Software
  175. DS  stands for Declined to State
  176. DS  stands for Double Strafe (gaming, Ragnarok Online)
  177. DS  stands for Director of Staff (US Air Force)
  178. DS  stands for Directory Sort (Norton Utilities)
  179. DS  stands for Direction de la Santé (French, Sengal)
  180. DS  stands for Detached Service
  181. DS  stands for Database Specification
  182. DS  stands for Dejerine-Sottas Disease
  183. DS  stands for Departmental Services
  184. DS  stands for Doctrine Sponsor (US DoD)
  185. DS  stands for Dark Signs (computer game)
  186. DS  stands for Decision State
  187. DS  stands for Defense Suppression
  188. DS  stands for Descent Stage
  189. DS  stands for Design Stability
  190. DS  stands for Dip Soldering
  191. DS  stands for Dam Safety Program (Virginia)
  192. DS  stands for Double-Struck (bullets)
  193. DS  stands for Dragonspeak (Furcadia script language)
  194. DS  stands for Drum Switch
  195. DS  stands for Death Shroud (Shadowbane gaming)
  196. DS  stands for Drunken Soldiers
  197. DS  stands for Decisecond (one tenth of a second)
  198. DS  stands for Deinde Scriptum (Latin: In Place of a Signature)
  199. DS  stands for Dragonswor(online game)
  200. DS  stands for Daily Scrum (Scrum project status meeting)
  201. DS  stands for Digital Subsystem
  202. DS  stands for Direct Solder (semiconductor process)
  203. DS  stands for Desetnik (Croatian navy rank, petty officer 2nd class)
  204. DS  stands for Dragonscape (computer game)
  205. DS  stands for Dangerous Slide (ground condition)
  206. DS  stands for Detroit Summer
  207. DS  stands for Disconnect Status
  208. DS  stands for Dry Slot (meteorology)
  209. DS  stands for Dried Solids
  210. DS  stands for Dichotomous Sampler
  211. DS  stands for Decision Sheet
  212. DS  stands for Drop Siding
  213. DS  stands for Diamond Shadow (game development company)
  214. DS  stands for Diver, Salvage (US Navy)
  215. DS  stands for Detached Solutions (software developer for Texas Instrument graphing calculators)
  216. DS  stands for Defenders of Sovereignty (gaming clan)
  217. DS  stands for Danmarks Sportsdanserforbund (Denmark)
  218. DS  stands for Dark Slayers (Runescape gaming clan)
  219. DS  stands for Danish StandarBureau
  220. DS  stands for Decontaminating Solution
  221. DS  stands for Drawing Summary
  222. DS  stands for Digital Screensaver (webcomic)
  223. DS  stands for Derivative Superposition
  224. DS  stands for Doctor of Surgery
  225. DS  stands for Design Studios, LLC.
  226. DS  stands for Dissident Saint (band)
  227. DS  stands for Draftstop
  228. DS  stands for Declared Site
  229. DS  stands for Dwell Sounding
  230. DS  stands for Dark Starlings (online community)
  231. DS  stands for Dodecyl Sulfate Anion (negatively-charged surfactant ion; also seen as DS-)
  232. DS  stands for Diodes for Suppression
  233. DS  stands for Sinking drift
  234. DS  stands for Decoy Signature
  235. DS  stands for Development Support/Specification
  236. DS  stands for Deutschesprachige Shareware
  237. DS  stands for Delivery Seperation
  238. DS  stands for (USN Rating) Data-Systems Technician
  239. DS  stands for Disorganization, Mouse
  240. DS  stands for Digitization Stage

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