1. DSAC  stands for Direction de la Sécurité de l’Aviation Civile (French: Safety Directorate of Civil Aviation)
  2. DSAC  stands for Distinguished Service Award Committee
  3. DSAC  stands for Delhi State AIDS Control Society (India)
  4. DSAC  stands for Dean’s Student Advisory Committee
  5. DSAC  stands for Deputy Special Agent in Charge (various organizations)
  6. DSAC  stands for DLA Systems Automation Center
  7. DSAC  stands for Defense Systems Affordability Council
  8. DSAC  stands for Dam Safety Action Class (US Army Corps of Engineers)
  9. DSAC  stands for Down Syndrome Association of Charlotte (North Carolina)
  10. DSAC  stands for Defense Systems Automation Center
  11. DSAC  stands for Defense Science Advisory Committee
  12. DSAC  stands for Deterministic Severe Accident Criterion
  13. DSAC  stands for Depression and Suicide Awareness Campaign
  14. DSAC  stands for Deputy Supreme Allied Commander
  15. DSAC  stands for Defence Service Assistance Centre (Returned & Services League of Australia, NSW branch)

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