1. DSAM stands for Dansk Selskab for Almen Medicin (Danish: Danish College of General Practitioners)
  2. DSAM stands for Development System for Auditory Modelling (UK)
  3. DSAM stands for Down Syndrome Association of Memphis (Memphis, TN)
  4. DSAM stands for Digital Service Activation Meter
  5. DSAM stands for Doppler Shift Attenuation Method
  6. DSAM stands for Direct Selling Association of Malaysia
  7. DSAM stands for Down Syndrome Association of Minnesota
  8. DSAM stands for Diploma in Small Animal Medicine
  9. DSAM stands for Digital Spark Advance Module (Kohler)
  10. DSAM stands for Dictionnaire de Spiritualité Ascétique et Mystique (French: Ascetic Spirituality and Mysticism Dictionary)
  11. DSAM stands for Deputy Sheriff’s Association of Michigan (Lansing, MI)
  12. DSAM stands for Defense Supply Agency Manual
  13. DSAM stands for Dubai Sharia Asset Management (UAE)
  14. DSAM stands for Digital Subsurface Asset Management (software technology to model the earth’s subsurface economic potential)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning