1. DSDS  stands for Deutschland Sucht Den Superstar (German TV show)
  2. DSDS  stands for Direction de la Santé et du Développement Social (French: Directorate of Health and Social Development)
  3. DSDS  stands for Direction des Statistiques Démographiques et Sociales (French: Directorate of Demographic and Social Statistics)
  4. DSDS  stands for Disjoint-Set Data Structure
  5. DSDS  stands for Data Storage and Distribution System
  6. DSDS  stands for Delaware State Dental Society
  7. DSDS  stands for Defense Standard Disbursing System
  8. DSDS  stands for Dataphone Switched Digital Service
  9. DSDS  stands for Dual SIM (Subscriber Identification Module) Dual Standby (mobile phones)
  10. DSDS  stands for Data Systems Dynamic Simulator
  11. DSDS  stands for Deck Starboard Deck Switch
  12. DSDS  stands for Distressed Submarine Depressurization System
  13. DSDS  stands for Draft SHF DAMA Standard
  14. DSDS  stands for Department of Senior and Disabilities Services

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