- DSED stands for Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder (psychology)
- DSED stands for Département des Statistiques, des Études et de la Documentation (French: Department of Statistics, Studies and Documentation)
- DSED stands for Dakota Southeastern Division (National Model Railroad Association)
- DSED stands for Database for Sediment Early Diagenesis
- DSED stands for Diagnostic Survey for Eating Disorders
- DSED stands for Defense Sciences Engineering Division (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; US Department of Energy)
- DSED stands for Diplôme d’Etudes Superieures de Design (French: Higher Education Design Diploma)
- DSED stands for Direct Support Engineering Directorate
- DSED stands for Delta Squadron Elite Dictatorship (gaming)
- DSED stands for Draft Supplemental Environmental Document (California)
- DSED stands for Distance of Surface Energy Density Fields
Abbreviations And Their Meaning