- DSEP stands for Dove Self-Esteem Project
- DSEP stands for Data Streams and Event Processing (workshop)
- DSEP stands for Deutsche Schule El Paso (German: El Paso German School; El Paso, TX)
- DSEP stands for Décollement Séreux de l’Épithélium Pigmentaire (French: Serous Detachment of the Pigment Epithelium)
- DSEP stands for Denver Siekman Environmental Park (educational center)
- DSEP stands for Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology (British Psychological Society)
- DSEP stands for Detailed Scoping Estimating and Planning (nuclear power plant design study; Rhea County, TN; US TVA)
- DSEP stands for Developmental Screening and Enhancement Program (various organizations)
- DSEP stands for Defense Science and Engineering Program
- DSEP stands for Descending Spinal Evoked Potential
Abbreviations And Their Meaning