1. DSLA stands for Danley Sound Labs (various locations)
  2. DSLA stands for Deutsche Snoezelen Lehr-und Ausbildungsinstitute (German: Snoezelen German Educational and Training Institutes)
  3. DSLA stands for Diamond State Locksmith Association (Wilmington, DE)
  4. DSLA stands for Downey Savings and Loan Association (Newport Beach, CA)
  5. DSLA
    stands for Dah Sing Life Assurance (Hong Kong)
  6. DSLA stands for Dovetailed Seniority List Area
  7. DSLA stands for Digital Speech Level Analyzer
  8. DSLA stands for Delaware School Library Association
  9. DSLA stands for Desert Sands Learning Academy (California)
  10. DSLA stands for Downloadable Software License Agreement
Abbreviations And Their Meaning