1. DSMA stands for Digital Sense Multiple Access
  2. DSMA stands for Distributed Systems Management Architecture
  3. DSMA stands for Division of Small Manufacturers Assistance (US FDA)
  4. DSMA stands for Distal Spinal Muscular Atrophy
  5. DSMA stands for Détachement du Service Militaire Adapté (French: Adapted Military Service Detachment)
  6. DSMA stands for Deviation-Scaled Moving Average (investing)
  7. DSMA stands for Door and Shutter Manufacturers’ Association (UK)
  8. DSMA stands for Data Sense Multiple Access
  9. DSMA stands for Datagram Sensing Multiple Access
  10. DSMA stands for Defence Safety Management Agency (Australia)
  11. DSMA stands for Defence Services Medical Academy (Myanmar)
  12. DSMA stands for Doylestown School of Music and the Arts (Doylestown, PA)
  13. DSMA stands for Disodium Methyl Arsonate
  14. DSMA stands for Dallas Softball Managers Association (Dallas, Texas)
  15. DSMA stands for Distinguished Sales and Marketing Award (trademark of Sales & Marketing Executives International, Inc.)
  16. DSMA stands for Downtown San Mateo Association (San Mateo, CA)
  17. DSMA stands for Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy (Ukraine)
  18. DSMA stands for Distributed Systems and Mobile Agents
  19. DSMA stands for Dartmouth School Music Association
  20. DSMA stands for Dhaka Statistical Metropolitan Area (Bangladesh)
  21. DSMA stands for Digital Strong Motion Accelerograph
  22. DSMA stands for Defense Spectrum Management Architecture (US DoD)
  23. DSMA stands for Doctoral Student Management Association
  24. DSMA stands for Disodium Methane Arsenate
  25. DSMA stands for Divine Science Ministers Association
  26. DSMA stands for Delhi Strong Motion Accelerograph
  27. DSMA stands for Distributed Scheduling Multiple Access
  28. DSMA stands for Defense Supply Management Agency
  29. DSMA stands for Department of Security on Military Affairs (Burma)
  30. DSMA stands for Darien Special Management Area
  31. DSMA stands for Daily Soil Moisture Accounting
  32. DSMA stands for Decision Systems Management Agency
  33. DSMA stands for Downtown Seneca Merchant’s Association (Seneca, SC)
  34. DSMA stands for Dynamic Stock Market Analysis
  35. DSMA stands for District Supply and Marketing Agency
  36. DSMA stands for Data and Safety Monitoring Advisor
  37. DSMA stands for Direct Support Maintenance Activity
  38. DSMA stands for Directorate of Shipping and Maritime Affairs
  39. DSMA stands for Developmental Studies Mathematics (course)
  40. DSMA stands for Day-Specific Moving Average
  41. DSMA stands for Delta Service Maintenance Aéronautique (French: Delta Aeronautical Maintenance Service)
  42. DSMA stands for Disodium Methylarsonic Acid
  43. DSMA stands for Disodium Salt of Methanearsonic Acid
  44. DSMA stands for Division for Service and Mission in America
  45. DSMA stands for Dual Simple Moving Average
  46. DSMA stands for Defense Superior Management Award (US DoD)
  47. DSMA stands for Director, Scientific and Medical Affairs
  48. DSMA stands for Detailed Station Message Accounting
  49. DSMA stands for Diet and Stress Management in Angina (clinical trial)
  50. DSMA stands for Digital Sales and Marketing Automation
  51. DSMA stands for Deterministic Seismic Margin Assessment
  52. DSMA stands for Dilworth, Secord, Meager, and Associates
  53. DSMA stands for Distributed Storage Management Architecture
  54. DSMA stands for Douglas Santa Monica Airfoil
Abbreviations And Their Meaning