1. DSME  stands for Diabetes Self Management Education
  2. DSME  stands for Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd.
  3. DSME  stands for Division of Science and Mathematics Education (Michigan State University)
  4. DSME  stands for Department of Science and Mathematics Education
  5. DSME  stands for Dimensionnement des Structures Mécaniques dans Leur Environnement (French: Design of Mechanical Structures in Their Environment)
  6. DSME  stands for Digital Systems Middle East
  7. DSME  stands for Devenus Sourds et Mal Entendants (French: Deaf and Hard of Hearing)
  8. DSME  stands for Domain-Specific Modeling Environment
  9. DSME  stands for Division of Studies in Medical Education
  10. DSME  stands for Dark Slayer Mutation Engine (polymorphic virus)
  11. DSME  stands for Device State Management Entity
  12. DSME  stands for Diabetic Self-Management Education
  13. DSME  stands for Directory Services Management Exit
  14. DSME  stands for Director of Student Medical Education
  15. DSME  stands for Department of Studies in Medical Education (University of Alberta; Canada)
  16. DSME  stands for Defence Submarine Engineering
  17. DSME  stands for Distinguished Sales and Marketing Executives (award)
  18. DSME  stands for Domain-Specific MIPS Environments
  19. DSME  stands for Durban Society Model Engineers (South Africa)
  20. DSME  stands for Drewsif Stalin’s Musical Endeavors (band)
  21. DSME  stands for Damn Smart Mail Enterprise
  22. DSME  stands for Division for Stewardship and Mission Education
  23. DSME  stands for Diabetes Self Monitoring Education
  24. DSME  stands for Dual Shape Memory Effect (metals)
  25. DSME  stands for Department for Surface Mining and Enforcement

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