1. DSN stands for Data Source Name (database source)
  2. DSN stands for Deep Space Network
  3. DSN stands for Dependable Systems and Networks
  4. DSN stands for Distributed Sensor Networks
  5. DSN stands for Digital Signal
  6. DSN stands for Deep Space Nine (Star Trek)
  7. DSN stands for Direct Selling News (Texas)
  8. DSN stands for Drug Store News (publication)
  9. DSN stands for Data Set Name
  10. DSN stands for Defense Switched Network (formerly AUTOVON)
  11. DSN stands for Delivery Status Notification (SMTP)
  12. DSN stands for Diabetes Specialist Nurse
  13. DSN stands for Distributed Systems Network
  14. DSN stands for Device Serial Number
  15. DSN stands for Diplôme Supérieur de Notariat (French notary diploma)
  16. DSN stands for Decker School of Nursing (Binghamton University; New York)
  17. DSN stands for Domain Server Name
  18. DSN stands for Document Serial Number
  19. DSN stands for Don’t Stop Now
  20. DSN stands for Defense Secure Network
  21. DSN stands for Digital Subscriber Network
  22. DSN stands for Dialysis Surveillance Network
  23. DSN stands for Dieppe Scène Nationale (French theatre group)
  24. DSN stands for Digital Switched Network
  25. DSN stands for Direction du Service National (French: Direction of the National Service)
  26. DSN stands for Direct Shopping Network
  27. DSN stands for Doctor of Science in Nursing
  28. DSN stands for Digital Secure Network
  29. DSN stands for Digital Sports Network
  30. DSN stands for Defense System Network
  31. DSN stands for Drôme Service Nettoyage (French: Drome Cleaning Service)
  32. DSN stands for Delta Scuti Network
  33. DSN stands for Division Principale de la Sécurité des Installations Nucléaires (French: Main Division of Safety of Nuclear Installations; Switzerland)
  34. DSN stands for Distributed Simulations Network
  35. DSN stands for Dejerine-Sottas Neuropathy
  36. DSN stands for Deep South Network
  37. DSN stands for Deployed Soldiers Network
  38. DSN stands for Duration of Severe Neutropenia
  39. DSN stands for Digital Syndicate Network, LLC (music website)
  40. DSN stands for Defense Satellite Network
  41. DSN stands for Defense Services Network
  42. DSN stands for Dana Supplier Network
  43. DSN stands for Data Structure Navigator
  44. DSN stands for Disposition Service Notification
  45. DSN stands for Dermal Septic Necrosis
  46. DSN stands for Digest Safety Net (website)
  47. DSN stands for Dedicated Secure Network
  48. DSN stands for Defense Subscriber Network
  49. DSN stands for Defense Stock Number
  50. DSN stands for Digital System Network
  51. DSN stands for Diplomatic Studies Network
  52. DSN stands for Driver Support Network (Fleet Support Group, UK)
  53. DSN stands for Dogbert Static Network (Dilbert comic)
  54. DSN stands for Digital Services Network, Inc.
  55. DSN stands for Devil Sticks Network
  56. DSN stands for Department Service Number
  57. DSN stands for Drop Ship Notification
  58. DSN stands for Dual Shelf Network
Abbreviations And Their Meaning