1. DSPP stands for Dossier de Synthèse de Pratique Professionnelle (French: Summary Record of Professional Practice)
  2. DSPP stands for Developer and Solution Partner Program (HP)
  3. DSPP stands for Direct Stock Purchase Plan
  4. DSPP stands for Dentin Sialophosphoprotein
  5. DSPP stands for Dallas Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology
  6. DSPP stands for Directorate for Science and Policy Programs (American Association for the Advancement of Science)
  7. DSPP stands for Denver, South Park & Pacific (railroad)
  8. DSPP stands for Dansk Selskab for Psykoanalytisk Psykoterapi
  9. DSPP stands for Doubly Stochastic Poisson Process
  10. DSPP stands for Discounted Share Purchase Plan
  11. DSPP stands for Direct Swimming Pool Products
  12. DSPP stands for Digital Signature Pilot Project
  13. DSPP stands for Desktop SunCD Plus Pack
  14. DSPP stands for Dynamic Shortest Path Problem
  15. DSPP stands for Drill Sergeant Program Proponent (US Army)
  16. DSPP stands for Doubly Stochastic Point Process
  17. DSPP stands for Dentine Salivary Phosphoric Protein
  18. DSPP stands for Dual Spectrum Pilotage Program
  19. DSPP stands for Director for Strategic Plans and Policy (US DoD)
  20. DSPP stands for Domain-Specific Programmable Platform (computing)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning