1. DSR stands for Dynamic Source Routing
  2. DSR stands for Dark Side of the Room (French audio-visual equipment installation company)
  3. DSR stands for Detailed Seller Rating (eBay sellers merchandising scale)
  4. DSR stands for Data Set Ready
  5. DSR stands for Distance Selling Regulations (UK consumer protection)
  6. DSR stands for Deep Sea Research
  7. DSR stands for Dansk Sygeplejeråd (Danish Nurses Association)
  8. DSR stands for Debt Service Ratio
  9. DSR stands for Digital Satellite Receiver (Motorola)
  10. DSR stands for Dirty South Rydaz (band)
  11. DSR stands for Department of Sport and Recreation
  12. DSR  stands for Distributed Speech Recognition
  13. DSR stands for Distributor Sales Representative
  14. DSR stands for Deanship of Scientific Research (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals; Saudi Arabia)
  15. DSR stands for Daily Selling Rate (cars)
  16. DSR stands for Diameter Signaling Router (computing)
  17. DSR stands for Digital Satellite Radio
  18. DSR stands for Daily Service Report (various companies)
  19. DSR stands for Digital Silk Road (National Institute of Informatics; Japan)
  20. DSR stands for Dotation de Solidarité Rurale (French: Provision of Rural Solidarity)
  21. DSR stands for De Studerendes Råd (Danish: Students Council; mostly at universities)
  22. DSR stands for Donor Sibling Registry
  23. DSR stands for Division of Safety Research (NIOSH)
  24. DSR stands for Design Study Report (Federal Highway Administration)
  25. DSR stands for Device Status Report
  26. DSR stands for Doubly Special Relativity (physics)
  27. DSR stands for Danske Studenters Roklub (Danish Students Rowing Club)
  28. DSR stands for Division Supérieur Régionale (French: Higher Regional Division)
  29. DSR stands for Daily Status Report
  30. DSR stands for Display System Replacement
  31. DSR stands for Dell System Restore (troubleshooting)
  32. DSR stands for Dynamic Shear Rheometer
  33. DSR stands for Documento Strategico Regionale (Italian: Regional Strategic Document)
  34. DSR stands for Daily Sales Record
  35. DSR stands for Damage Survey Report
  36. DSR stands for Down Stage Right
  37. DSR stands for Division of Sponsored Research
  38. DSR stands for Directory Service Request (MCI)
  39. DSR stands for Demand Signal Repository (sales database)
  40. DSR stands for Dynamic Steering Response (automotive technology)
  41. DSR stands for Default Static Route (computing)
  42. DSR stands for Days’ Sales in Receivables
  43. DSR stands for Division of Special Revenue
  44. DSR stands for Device Status Register
  45. DSR stands for Direct Signature Required (deliveries)
  46. DSR stands for Discontinued Service Retirement
  47. DSR stands for Document Status Report
  48. DSR stands for Data Signaling Rate
  49. DSR stands for Diploma of the Society of Radiographers
  50. DSR stands for Disaster Survey Report
  51. DSR stands for Deutscher Standardisierungsrat
  52. DSR stands for Distinguished Service Ribbon
  53. DSR stands for Disturbing Search Requests (website)
  54. DSR stands for Digital System Resources, Inc.
  55. DSR stands for Daily Survival Rate
  56. DSR stands for Delivery Schedule Required
  57. DSR stands for Devil’s Slide Rock
  58. DSR stands for Defense Software Repository
  59. DSR stands for Direct Seeded Rice
  60. DSR stands for Design Scoping Review (Colorado Department of Transporation)
  61. DSR stands for Direction Stratégique de la Recherche (French: Research Strategy Department)
  62. DSR stands for Direct Service Restauration (French catering company)
  63. DSR stands for Dynamic Spatial Reconstruction
  64. DSR stands for Detroit Sports Report (TV show)
  65. DSR stands for Digital Satellite Rip
  66. DSR stands for Department of Special Research (Alias TV show)
  67. DSR stands for Drillstring Radar
  68. DSR stands for Dual Screen Radio (online Nintendo DS radio show)
  69. DSR stands for Dynamic Shift Register (electrical engineering)
  70. DSR stands for Digital Signal Rate
  71. DSR stands for Defense Subsistence Region
  72. DSR stands for Delaware Street Racing
  73. DSR stands for Depot Surveillance Record
  74. DSR stands for Dynamic Symbol Reordering
  75. DSR stands for Daily Service Review
  76. DSR stands for Department of Social Responsibility (Methodist Church)
  77. DSR stands for Dual-Stack Router
  78. DSR stands for Digital Signaling Rate
  79. DSR stands for Design Status Review
  80. DSR stands for Direction de la Sûreté des Réacteurs (French: Directorate of Reactor Safety; Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire)
  81. DSR stands for Daily Sales Receivables (accounting)
  82. DSR stands for Document Summary Record
  83. DSR stands for Doggy Style Records (record label)
  84. DSR stands for Defense Senior Representative
  85. DSR stands for Digital Stepping Recorder
  86. DSR stands for Design Support Request
  87. DSR stands for Donor Service Representative
  88. DSR stands for Division Status Review
  89. DSR  stands for Designated Substances Regulations
  90. DSR stands for Digital Storage Relay
  91. DSR stands for David Sears Racing (automobile racing)
  92. DSR stands for Delayed Service Report
  93. DSR stands for Degradation of Specification Requirements
  94. DSR stands for Deployment Support Request
  95. DSR stands for Device Sense Return
  96. DSR stands for Data Storage Research, LLC (Littleton, CO)
  97. DSR stands for Database Specification Review
  98. DSR stands for Dirty Smile Records (record label)
  99. DSR stands for Défauts sous Revêtement (French: Defects in Coating; nuclear energy industry)
  100. DSR stands for Director of State Resources
  101. DSR stands for Deployed Status Report
  102. DSR stands for Delivery Site Registry (Alberta Health & Wellness; Canada)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning