1. DSV  stands for Deutscher Schwimm Verband (German: German Swimming Federation)
  2. DSV  stands for Deutscher Segler Verband (German: German Sailing Association)
  3. DSV  stands for Direction des Services Vétérinaires (French: Directorate of Veterinary Services; various nations)
  4. DSV  stands for Data Source View
  5. DSV  stands for Diving Support Vessel
  6. DSV  stands for Deep Submergence Vehicle
  7. DSV  stands for Direction des Sciences du Vivant (French: Directorate of Life Sciences; Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique)
  8. DSV  stands for Dynamic Signature Verification
  9. DSV  stands for Deutscher Ski Verband (German: German Ski Federation)
  10. DSV  stands for Drop Ship Vendor (supply chain management technique)
  11. DSV  stands for De Sammensluttede Vognmaend (Danish: Combining Haulers; freight transportation; Brondby, Denmark)
  12. DSV  stands for Dilute Solution Viscosity
  13. DSV  stands for Directia Sanitar Veterinara
  14. DSV  stands for Dive Surface Valve (rebreather)
  15. DSV  stands for Dauphiné Savoie Vivarais (French league)
  16. DSV  stands for Departamento do Sistema Viário (Brazil Roads System Department)
  17. DSV  stands for Digital Sum Variation
  18. DSV  stands for Downhole Safety Valve (oil wells)
  19. DSV  stands for Drillstring Valve
  20. DSV  stands for Data, Signal and Voice (Textron)
  21. DSV  stands for Direct Safety Violation
  22. DSV  stands for Data Service Vehicles
  23. DSV  stands for Steam Supply Valve
  24. DSV  stands for Digital Survey Vehicle
  25. DSV  stands for Donauschwäbische Sportvereinigung (German: Danube-Swabian Sport Association; Los Angeles, CA)
  26. DSV  stands for Drahtseilvereinigung e.V (German: Association of German Steel Wire Rope Makers)

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