1. DTAM  stands for Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real Time (camera tracking)
  2. DTAM  stands for Direction des Territoires, de l’Alimentation et de la Mer (French: Territories Branch, Food and the Sea)
  3. DTAM  stands for Descend to and Maintain
  4. DTAM  stands for Digital Tectonic Activity Map
  5. DTAM  stands for Double Take Application Manager
  6. DTAM  stands for Distribution Total Available Market
  7. DTAM  stands for Day Trade Asset Management (France)
  8. DTAM  stands for Document Transfer, Access and Manipulation (CCITT T.433)
  9. DTAM  stands for Développement Territorial et Agriculture Multifonctionnelle (French: Territorial Development and Multifunctional Agriculture)
  10. DTAM  stands for Digital Telephone Answering Machine
  11. DTAM  stands for Document Transfer Access Method
  12. DTAM  stands for Data Transfer Access and Manipulation

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