1. DTI stands for Department of Trade and Industry
  2. DTI stands for Diffusion Tensor Imaging
  3. DTI stands for Debt to Income (ratio)
  4. DTI stands for Duty to Inform (law enforcement)
  5. DTI stands for Digital Technology International (news publishing; various locations)
  6. DTI stands for Dream Train Internet (Japan)
  7. DTI stands for Danish Technological Institute
  8. DTI stands for Defense Technology International (news)
  9. DTI stands for Direct Trader Input
  10. DTI stands for Diversified Technology, Inc.
  11. DTI stands for Direction de la Technique et de l’Innovation (French: Directorate of Technical and Innovation)
  12. DTI stands for Diagnostics Techniques Immobiliers (French: Real Estate Diagnostic Techniques)
  13. DTI stands for Distance through Insulation
  14. DTI stands for Dulbecco Telethon Institute (est. 1999)
  15. DTI stands for Direct Thrombin Inhibitor
  16. DTI stands for Distance to Intercept (US Air Force)
  17. DTI stands for Dreaming the Impossible (UK)
  18. DTI stands for Deep Tissue Injury
  19. DTI stands for Data Translation, Inc. (Marlboro, MA)
  20. DTI stands for Digital Trunk Interface
  21. DTI stands for Dial Test Indicator (mechanical measuring device used in machining)
  22. DTI stands for Data Transmission Interface
  23. DTI stands for Direction des Transmissions et de l’Informatique (French: Directorate of Communications and Information)
  24. DTI stands for Direct Tension Indicator (Applied Bolting Technology Products, Inc.)
  25. DTI stands for Directive Technology Integrators (Oneonta, New York)
  26. DTI stands for DuPont Textiles & Interiors
  27. DTI stands for Discrete Trial Instruction
  28. DTI stands for Detroit, Toledo, & Ironton (Railroad)
  29. DTI stands for Directed Technologies, Inc.
  30. DTI  stands for Digital Technologies, Inc.
  31. DTI stands for Deep Trench Isolation
  32. DTI stands for Detective Training Institute
  33. DTI stands for Donation and Transplant Institute (est. 2008; Barcelona, Spain)
  34. DTI stands for Document Text Informationmanagement (various locations)
  35. DTI stands for Dynamic Telecommunications, Inc.
  36. DTI stands for Departamento Tecnico de Investigacion
  37. DTI stands for Dose Totale Indicative (French: Total Indicative Dose; radiological water quality regulation)
  38. DTI stands for Don’t Try It
  39. DTI stands for Diesel Turbo Intercooler (automobile)
  40. DTI stands for Desktop Item
  41. DTI stands for Dawe Charitable Trust (UK)
  42. DTI stands for Delivery Ticket Invoice
  43. DTI stands for Defense Technology Incorporated & Associates
  44. DTI stands for Digital Test Interface (Tollgrade)
  45. DTI stands for Dynamics Technology, Incorporated (defense contractor in Torrance, California)
  46. DTI stands for Delayed Turn-In (US Navy Supply)
  47. DTI stands for Dynamic Tomographic Imaging
  48. DTI stands for Driving Trend Identifier
  49. DTI stands for Demand to Inquiry
  50. DTI stands for Data Technique, Inc. (Pittsburg, KS)
  51. DTI stands for Digital Trunk Interface Frame (Sprint)
  52. DTI stands for Direcção de Tecnologias de Informação (Portuguese: Directorate of Information Technologies)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning