- DUA stands for Disaster Unemployment Assistance
- DUA stands for Directory User Agent
- DUA stands for Division of Unemployment Assistance
- DUA stands for Data Use Agreement
- DUA stands for Dispositif Universel d’Ancrage (French: Universal Anchorage System; Canada; car seats)
- DUA stands for Durée d’Utilisation Administrative (French: Period of Administrative Use)
- DUA stands for Digital Uplink Assembly (US NASA)
- DUA stands for Documento Único de Arrecadação (Portugese)
- DUA stands for Division of University Advancement (University or Toronto, Canada)
- DUA stands for Dial-Up Adapter
- DUA stands for Discretionary Use Adjustment (energy; various locations)
- DUA stands for Dallas Urology Associates
- DUA stands for Day-Use Area (Minnesota)
- DUA stands for Dead Upon Arrival
- DUA stands for Driver Update Acceptable (Microsoft)
- DUA stands for Don’t Use Acronyms
- DUA stands for Denksportclub Universiteit Antwerpen (Belgium)
- DUA stands for Domestic Use Aquifer
- DUA stands for Dandenong Umpires Association (Dandenong, Australia)
- DUA stands for Death Upon Arrival (band)
- DUA stands for Dwellings per Unit Area (city planning)
- DUA stands for Dense Urban Area
- DUA stands for Distal Uterine Artery