- DV stands for Daily Values (Nutrition Facts in US)
- DV stands for Divide (street type)
- DV stands for Digital Video
- DV stands for Domestic Violence
- DV stands for Developer (copier component)
- DV stands for Dependent Variable
- DV stands for Dick Vitale (sports personality)
- DV stands for Death Valley (California)
- DV stands for Dengue Virus
- DV stands for Diversity Visa (US Department of State)
- DV stands for Default Value (computing)
- DV stands for Deus Vult (Latin: God Wills It)
- DV stands for Diverter Valve
- DV stands for Deja Vu
- DV stands for Datenverarbeitung (German: Data Processing and Programming)
- DV stands for Dry Van (shipping/trucking container)
- DV stands for Déjà Vu (amusement park ride)
- DV stands for Doppler Velocity
- DV stands for Dragon Valley (Lineage 2 game)
- DV stands for Dorsoventral
- DV stands for Depreciated Value
- DV stands for Design Verification
- DV stands for Deluxe Version
- DV stands for Darth Vader
- DV stands for Distance Vector (routing protocol)
- DV stands for Disabled Veteran (various locations)
- DV stands for Demand for Validation (credit)
- DV stands for Developed Vetting
- DV stands for DeVry Inc. (stock symbol)
- DV stands for Design Variable
- DV stands for Digestive Vacuole (microbiology)
- DV stands for Digito de Verificación (Spanish: Check Digit)
- DV stands for Deo Volente (Latin: God Willing)
- DV stands for Design Validation
- DV stands for Disabled Vehicle
- DV stands for Direct Voltage
- DV stands for Distinguished Visitor
- DV stands for Differential Velocity
- DV stands for Diminishing Value
- DV stands for Data Valid
- DV stands for Demand Valve
- DV stands for Dorsal Ventral (radiography)
- DV stands for Domiciliary Visit (health care)
- DV stands for Desktop Virtualization
- DV stands for Descent Vehicle
- DV stands for Dark Vision (band)
- DV stands for Defensor Vinculi (Latin: Defender of the Bond; Catholic law)
- DV stands for Discordant Veins
- DV stands for Daily Variation
- DV stands for Diversification Value
- DV stands for Driver’s Viewer
- DV stands for Darling Violetta (band)
- DV stands for Dark Vengeance (computer game)
- DV stands for DESQview Script (file name extension)
- DV stands for Déchêts Verts (French: Green Waste)
- DV stands for Disbursement Voucher
- DV stands for Designated Verification (cryptography)
- DV stands for Delay Variance
- DV stands for Delivery Verification Certificate
- DV stands for Dyesthetic Vulvodynia
- DV stands for Differential Voltmeter
- DV stands for Disparity Vector
- DV stands for Direct Viewfinder (camera technology)
- DV stands for Decoy Vehicle
- DV stands for Devota Virgo (Latin: Devout Virgin, epigraphy)
- DV stands for Devotus Vir (Latin: Devout Man, epigraphy)
- DV stands for Darbellay-Vajda (algorithm)
- DV stands for Diis Volentibus (Latin: If the Gods Want, epigraphy)
- DV stands for Donec Vixit (Latin: Until He/She Lived, epigraphy)
- DV stands for Disident Voice (radical newsletter)
- DV stands for Deus Volent (Latin; God Willing)