1. DV  stands for Daily Values (Nutrition Facts in US)
  2. DV  stands for Divide (street type)
  3. DV  stands for Digital Video
  4. DV  stands for Domestic Violence
  5. DV  stands for Developer (copier component)
  6. DV  stands for Dependent Variable
  7. DV  stands for Dick Vitale (sports personality)
  8. DV  stands for Death Valley (California)
  9. DV  stands for Dengue Virus
  10. DV  stands for Diversity Visa (US Department of State)
  11. DV  stands for Default Value (computing)
  12. DV  stands for Deus Vult (Latin: God Wills It)
  13. DV  stands for Diverter Valve
  14. DV  stands for Deja Vu
  15. DV  stands for Datenverarbeitung (German: Data Processing and Programming)
  16. DV  stands for Dry Van (shipping/trucking container)
  17. DV  stands for Déjà Vu (amusement park ride)
  18. DV  stands for Doppler Velocity
  19. DV  stands for Dragon Valley (Lineage 2 game)
  20. DV  stands for Dorsoventral
  21. DV  stands for Depreciated Value
  22. DV  stands for Design Verification
  23. DV  stands for Deluxe Version
  24. DV  stands for Darth Vader
  25. DV  stands for Distance Vector (routing protocol)
  26. DV  stands for Disabled Veteran (various locations)
  27. DV  stands for Demand for Validation (credit)
  28. DV  stands for Developed Vetting
  29. DV  stands for DeVry Inc. (stock symbol)
  30. DV  stands for Design Variable
  31. DV  stands for Digestive Vacuole (microbiology)
  32. DV  stands for Digito de Verificación (Spanish: Check Digit)
  33. DV  stands for Deo Volente (Latin: God Willing)
  34. DV  stands for Design Validation
  35. DV  stands for Disabled Vehicle
  36. DV  stands for Direct Voltage
  37. DV  stands for Distinguished Visitor
  38. DV  stands for Differential Velocity
  39. DV  stands for Diminishing Value
  40. DV  stands for Data Valid
  41. DV  stands for Demand Valve
  42. DV  stands for Dorsal Ventral (radiography)
  43. DV  stands for Domiciliary Visit (health care)
  44. DV  stands for Desktop Virtualization
  45. DV  stands for Descent Vehicle
  46. DV  stands for Dark Vision (band)
  47. DV  stands for Defensor Vinculi (Latin: Defender of the Bond; Catholic law)
  48. DV  stands for Discordant Veins
  49. DV  stands for Daily Variation
  50. DV  stands for Diversification Value
  51. DV  stands for Driver’s Viewer
  52. DV  stands for Darling Violetta (band)
  53. DV  stands for Dark Vengeance (computer game)
  54. DV  stands for DESQview Script (file name extension)
  55. DV  stands for Déchêts Verts (French: Green Waste)
  56. DV  stands for Disbursement Voucher
  57. DV  stands for Designated Verification (cryptography)
  58. DV  stands for Delay Variance
  59. DV  stands for Delivery Verification Certificate
  60. DV  stands for Dyesthetic Vulvodynia
  61. DV  stands for Differential Voltmeter
  62. DV  stands for Disparity Vector
  63. DV  stands for Direct Viewfinder (camera technology)
  64. DV  stands for Decoy Vehicle
  65. DV  stands for Devota Virgo (Latin: Devout Virgin, epigraphy)
  66. DV  stands for Devotus Vir (Latin: Devout Man, epigraphy)
  67. DV  stands for Darbellay-Vajda (algorithm)
  68. DV  stands for Diis Volentibus (Latin: If the Gods Want, epigraphy)
  69. DV  stands for Donec Vixit (Latin: Until He/She Lived, epigraphy)
  70. DV  stands for Disident Voice (radical newsletter)
  71. DV  stands for Deus Volent (Latin; God Willing)

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