- DVE stands for Direction de la Vie Étudiante (French: Directorate of Student Life)
- DVE stands for Dynamic Volume Expansion (data storage)
- DVE stands for Digital Video Effects
- DVE stands for Dogues Virage Est (French sports association)
- DVE stands for Distributed Virtual Environment
- DVE stands for Dérivation Ventriculaire Externe (French: External Ventricular Shunt)
- DVE stands for Driver’s Vision Enhancer
- DVE stands for Dépanne Votre Électroménager (French appliance repair company)
- DVE stands for Driver, Vehicle, Environment
- DVE stands for Digital Video Editor
- DVE stands for Degraded Visual Environment (aviation)
- DVE stands for Diagnostic Vocational Evaluation
- DVE stands for Déviation du Volume Erythrocytaire (French: Deviation of the Erythrocyte Volume)
- DVE stands for Division Vie de l’Elève (French: Division of Student Life)
- DVE stands for Dee Van Enterprise
- DVE stands for Développez Votre Entreprise (French: Expand Your Business)
- DVE stands for Data Validation Engine
- DVE stands for Digital Video Everywhere (Insoft)
- DVE stands for Director of Vocational Education
- DVE stands for Deja Vu Entertainment
- DVE stands for Default Visual Environment
Abbreviations And Their Meaning