1. DVE stands for Direction de la Vie Étudiante (French: Directorate of Student Life)
  2. DVE stands for Dynamic Volume Expansion (data storage)
  3. DVE stands for Digital Video Effects
  4. DVE stands for Dogues Virage Est (French sports association)
  5. DVE stands for Distributed Virtual Environment
  6. DVE stands for Dérivation Ventriculaire Externe (French: External Ventricular Shunt)
  7. DVE stands for Driver’s Vision Enhancer
  8. DVE stands for Dépanne Votre Électroménager (French appliance repair company)
  9. DVE stands for Driver, Vehicle, Environment
  10. DVE stands for Digital Video Editor
  11. DVE stands for Degraded Visual Environment (aviation)
  12. DVE stands for Diagnostic Vocational Evaluation
  13. DVE stands for Déviation du Volume Erythrocytaire (French: Deviation of the Erythrocyte Volume)
  14. DVE stands for Division Vie de l’Elève (French: Division of Student Life)
  15. DVE stands for Dee Van Enterprise
  16. DVE stands for Développez Votre Entreprise (French: Expand Your Business)
  17. DVE stands for Data Validation Engine
  18. DVE stands for Digital Video Everywhere (Insoft)
  19. DVE stands for Director of Vocational Education
  20. DVE stands for Deja Vu Entertainment
  21. DVE stands for Default Visual Environment
Abbreviations And Their Meaning