1. DVI  stands for Digital Visual Interface (digital flat-panel displays)
  2. DVI  stands for Digital Video Interface (multimedia standard for computer generated text and graphics)
  3. DVI  stands for Device-Independent (File Name Extension)
  4. DVI  stands for Digital Video Input
  5. DVI  stands for Deviation
  6. DVI  stands for Disaster Victim Identification
  7. DVI  stands for Digital Video Interactive
  8. DVI  stands for Difference Vegetation Index
  9. DVI  stands for Direct Voice Input
  10. DVI  stands for Driver-Vehicle Interface
  11. DVI  stands for Domestic Violence Institute
  12. DVI  stands for Diététique Vitalité Innovation (French: Diet Vitality Innovation)
  13. DVI  stands for Dead Value Information
  14. DVI  stands for Données Voix Images (French: Voice Data Images)
  15. DVI  stands for DaVinci Institute (think tank; Colorado)
  16. DVI  stands for Deep Video Imaging, Ltd (technology for 3D displays)
  17. DVI  stands for Descriptive Video Information (accessibility TV technology for visually impaired)
  18. DVI  stands for Digital Video Interleave
  19. DVI  stands for Digital Valve Interface
  20. DVI  stands for Digital Voice Interactive
  21. DVI  stands for Data/Voice Integration
  22. DVI  stands for Dentistes Volontaires pour Israël (French: Dental Volunteers for Israel)

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