1. DWB stands for Driving While Black (racial profiling)
  2. DWB stands for Dutch Warmblood (registered horse breed)
  3. DWB stands for Driving Without Brakes (hypermiling)
  4. DWB stands for Don’t Write Back
  5. DWB stands for Dirty White Boy
  6. DWB stands for Dry Weight Basis
  7. DWB stands for Death Watch Bunker
  8. DWB stands for Doctors Without Borders USA
  9. DWB stands for Director of Works and Buildings
  10. DWB stands for Dumm Wie Brot (German: As Dumb As Bread)
  11. DWB stands for Denver Water Board (Colorado)
  12. DWB stands for Délégation Wallonie-Bruxelles au Québec (French: Wallonia-Brussels Delegation in Quebec; Quebec, Canada)
  13. DWB  stands for Dwarven Work Boots (Everquest game)
  14. DWB stands for Data Workbench
  15. DWB stands for Discrete Wiring Board
  16. DWB stands for D Wild Bunch (gaming clan)
  17. DWB stands for Dakota Western Bank
  18. DWB stands for Direct Wafer Bond/Bonding
  19. DWB stands for Distributed Weight & Balance
  20. DWB stands for Darth Writer’s Block (Star Wars Fanfiction Term)
  21. DWB stands for Doctor Who Bulletin/Dreamwatch Bulletin (UK sci-fi magazine)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning