- DWL stands for Deadweight Loss (microneconomics)
- DWL stands for Drilling with Liner (energy)
- DWL stands for Disingenuous White Liberal
- DWL stands for Doppler Wind Lidar
- DWL stands for Dying with Laughter
- DWL stands for Divided Word-Line
- DWL stands for Doctor Williams’s Library (London, England, UK)
- DWL stands for Dual-Wield (World of Warcraft gaming)
- DWL stands for Don’t Write Letters! (Steven Den Beste blog)
- DWL stands for Derived Working Level
- DWL stands for Downward Looking
- DWL stands for Datum Waterline (watercraft design)
- DWL stands for Double White Line
- DWL stands for Defense within Limits (insurance)
- DWL stands for Designer’s Waterline
- DWL stands for Detector-Window Length
- DWL stands for Designed Load Waterline (engineering)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning