1. DWL stands for Deadweight Loss (microneconomics)
  2. DWL stands for Drilling with Liner (energy)
  3. DWL stands for Disingenuous White Liberal
  4. DWL stands for Doppler Wind Lidar
  5. DWL stands for Dying with Laughter
  6. DWL stands for Divided Word-Line
  7. DWL stands for Doctor Williams’s Library (London, England, UK)
  8. DWL stands for Dual-Wield (World of Warcraft gaming)
  9. DWL stands for Don’t Write Letters! (Steven Den Beste blog)
  10. DWL stands for Derived Working Level
  11. DWL stands for Downward Looking
  12. DWL stands for Datum Waterline (watercraft design)
  13. DWL stands for Double White Line
  14. DWL  stands for Defense within Limits (insurance)
  15. DWL stands for Designer’s Waterline
  16. DWL stands for Detector-Window Length
  17. DWL stands for Designed Load Waterline (engineering)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning