1. DWO stands for Doctor Who Online (fan site)
  2. DWO stands for Dead World Order
  3. DWO stands for Dynasty Warriors Online (video game)
  4. DWO stands for Detective Warrant Officer
  5. DWO stands for Deck Watch Officer
  6. DWO stands for Driving While Oriental (refers to racial profiling by law enforcement)
  7. DWO stands for Detroit World Outreach
  8. DWO stands for Dark Wide Oblique
  9. DWO stands for Driving While Old
  10. DWO  stands for Death Warmed Over
  11. DWO stands for DownWind Outdoors (est. 2010)
  12. DWO stands for Detailed Written Order
  13. DWO stands for Doing With Out
  14. DWO stands for Date Written Off
  15. DWO stands for Discontinued When Out
  16. DWO stands for Design Work Order
  17. DWO stands for Doomguy World Order (online gaming)
Abbreviations And Their Meaning