

CADTS stands for Contamination Avoidance Detector Test Suite (project; US DoD) CADTS stands for Central Allbreeds Dog Training School (New…

2 years ago


CADMO stands for Computer Aided Design, Manufacture and Operation CADMO stands for Cartografia Archivio Dati Musei Online CADMO stands for…

2 years ago


CADO stands for Chief Administrative Dental Officer CADO stands for Contract Award Documents Online CADO stands for Cost Allocation Distribution…

2 years ago


CADPC stands for Congestion Avoidance with Distributed Proportional Control CADPC stands for Connecticut Alcohol and Drug Policy Council (est. 1997)

2 years ago


CADP stands for Construction and Analysis of Distributed Processes CADP stands for Coalition Against Database Piracy CADP stands for Certified…

2 years ago


CADR stands for Clean Air Delivery Rate CADR stands for CARE Act Data Report CADR stands for Child Abuse Death…

2 years ago


CADT stands for Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title CADT stands for Cascade of Attention-Deficit Teenagers (open-source software development model) CADT…

2 years ago


CADWS stands for Computer-Aided Drafting Work System

2 years ago


CADISE stands for Consortium of Art & Design Institutions in the South East (UK consortium of Arts, Design and Communication…

2 years ago


CADRG stands for Compressed ARC (Arc-Second Raster Chart) Digitized Raster Graphics CADRG stands for Chemopreventive Agent Development Research Group (cancer)

2 years ago
Abbreviations And Their Meaning