CACF stands for Coalition for Asian American Children and Families CACF stands for Combat Area Casualty File (US DoD) CACF…
CACG stands for College Access Challenge Grant (US Department of Education) CACG stands for Compagnie d'Aménagement des Coteaux de Gascogne…
CACH stands for Canyon de Chelly National Monument (US National Park Service) CACH stands for Carolina Chickadee CACH stands for…
CACHE stands for Council for Awards in Children's Care and Education CAChe stands for Computer Aided Chemistry CACHE stands for…
DABS stands for Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (est. 2008; Afghan company) DABS stands for Daily Airspace Bulletin Switzerland (Swiss aeronautical…
CACIS stands for Continuous AC Ignition System
CaCl stands for Calcium Chloride CACL stands for Canadian Association for Community Living (Lobby Group) CACL stands for Castle Clinton…
CACLE stands for Circo Ambulante de Conferencias Linuxeras Evangelizadoras CACLE stands for Concentrated Alarm and Control Enhanced (NEC) CACLE stands…
CACM stands for Central American Common Market CACM stands for Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery CACM stands for…
DACES stands for Defense Automated Cost Engineering System