D/RE stands for Disassembly Reassembly Equipment
DP stands for Deep DP stands for Depth DP stands for Double Play DP stands for Diamond Pearl DP stands…
D/N stands for Day/Night (cricket) DN stands for Distinguished Name (IDAP) DN stands for Dagens Nyheter (Swedish newspaper) DN stands…
D/E stands for Depression/Elevation (Angle)
D/MPCU stands for Director, Marine Pollution Control Unit
D-VCO stands for Differential Voltage-Controlled Oscillator
D-WRON stands for Dynamic Wavelength Routed Optical Network
D/AUC stands for Dose Over Area Under the Curve (ratio)
DC stands for Direct Current (electricity) DC stands for District of Columbia (US postal abbreviation) DC stands for Dark Crystal…
D/B stands for Design/Build