ZHR stands for Zenithal Hourly Rate ZHR stands for Zero Hop Routing ZHR stands for Zek Harcerstwa Rzeczypospolitej (Polish: Scouting…
ZHiME stands for Z-Type Highly-advanced Materializing Equipment (Anime)
ZIA stands for Zia International Airport (DAC) ZIA stands for Zero-Interaction Authentication ZIA stands for Zinc Ion Availability ZIA stands…
ZHP stands for Zen Hospice Project (end-of-life care) ZHP stands for Zwiazek Harcerstwa Polskiego (Institute of Party History) ZHP stands…
ZING stands for Zero Gradient Synchrotron Intense Neutron Generator
ZIE stands for Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers (Zimbabwe) ZIE stands for Zone per Gli Insediamenti d'Emergenza
ZEN DIST stands for Zenith Distance
ZEMIC stands for Zhonghang Electronic Measuring Instruments Co. (China)
ZERMEG stands for Zero Emission Retrofitting Method for the Galvanizing Industry
ZESTEC stands for Zinc Energy Storage Technology Consortium (Brussels, Belgium)