ZF/MMSE stands for Zero-Forcing/Minimum Mean-Square-Error (electrical engineering)
ZFCT stands for Zero-Flux Current Transducer
ZF-NQR stands for Zero-Field - Nuclear Quadripole Resonance
ZF-MBER stands for Zero-Forcing Minimum Bit-Error Rate
ZF-BDFE stands for Zero Forcing Block Decision Feedback Equalizer (type of joint detection receiver)
ZES stands for Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome ZES stands for Zone Economique Spéciale (French: Special Economic Zone) ZES stands for Zimmer Electronic…
ZETDC stands for Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (state-run power supplier)
ZEvA stands for Zentrale Evaluations- und Akkreditierungsagentur Hannover (Germany) ZEVA stands for Zero Emission Vehicles Australia
ZF-DFE stands for Zero-Forcing Decision Feedback Equalizer
ZEUS stands for Zona Enterprise Usage Study (Zona Research) ZEUS stands for Zentrum für EUropäische Friedens- und Sicherheitsstudien (German: Centre…