
Engineering, space, Architecture, IEEE, Electronics, Mechanics, Meteorology, etc.


DBRTD stands for Double-Barrier Resonant Tunneling Diode (circuit technology)


CAMPSA stands for Compañia Arrendataria Monopolio Petróleo Sociedad Anónima (Spanish petrochemical company) CAMPSA stands for Camping Southern Africa


CAMRAS stands for Computer-Assisted Mapping and Records Activities System CAMRAS stands for Counter Artillery and Mortar Radar Acquisition Simulation CAMRAS stands for C.A. Muller Radio Astronomy Station (Dwingeloo, Netherlands)


CAMRAQ stands for Consortium for Advanced Modeling of Region Air Quality


CAMRA stands for Campaign for Real Ale CAMRA stands for Center for Advancing Microbial Risk Assessment CAMRA stands for Children and Media Research Advancement CAMRa stands for Chilbolton Advanced Meteorological Radar CAMRA stands for Canadian American Modified Racing Association CAMRA stands for Computer-Assisted Medical Record Audit


CAMR stands for Clean Air Mercury Rule CAMR stands for Coalition for the Advancement of Medical Research CAMR stands for Camera CAMR stands for Centre for Applied Microbiology and Research CAMR stands for Colin Archer Memorial Race (Netherlands to Norway sailing race) CamR stands for Chloramphenicol Resistance (gene) CAMR stands for Cisco Access Metro Router […]


CAMRE stands for Council of Arab Ministers Responsible for the Environment CAMRE stands for Classic-Antique-Muscle-Race-Exotic (vehicle classifieds website) CAMRE stands for Center for Alternative Medicine and Research and Education (Harvard Medical School; also seen as CAMR)


CAMRC stands for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research Center CAMRC stands for Chattanooga Area Model Railroad Club (est. 1969; Chattanooga, TN) CAMRC stands for Club Auto Moto Rétro Chartres (French vintage automobile and motorcycle club; Chartres, France) CAMRC stands for Central Asian Media Resource Center (Kyrgyzstan)