
Engineering, space, Architecture, IEEE, Electronics, Mechanics, Meteorology, etc.


CALT stands for Centre for Advanced Learning Technologies (France) CALT stands for Computer Assisted Language Testing (various organizations) CALT stands for Certificate of Ancestral Land Titles (Philippines) CALT stands for Canadian Association of Law Teachers (Canada) CALT stands for Certified Academic Language Therapist (dyslexia) CALT stands for California Towhee (bird species) CALT stands for Committee […]


DBMU stands for Dynamic Burner Management Unit (energy savings device; UK) DBMU stands for Defense Business Management University DBMU stands for Don’t Buss Me Up (social networking)


DBMV stands for Decibel (referenced to millivolt) DBMV stands for Département de Biologie Moléculaire Végétale (French: Department of Plant Molecular Biology; Switzerland)


DBNGP stands for Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline (Australia)


CALVE stands for Calibrated Velocity Log Data (oil production)


CAM stands for Camera CAM stands for Computer-Aided Manufacturing CAM stands for Camcorder (video source) CAM stands for Complementary and Alternative Medicine CAM stands for Camden (Amtrak station code; Camden, SC) CAM stands for Camshaft CAM stands for Community Association Manager (Community Associations Institute ) CAM stands for Camouflage(d) CAM stands for Center for Applied […]


CAM-I stands for Consortium for Advanced Manufacturing – International


CAMA stands for Centralized Automatic Message Accounting CAMA stands for Christian And Missionary Alliance CAMA stands for Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators CAMA stands for Chronic and Acute Medical Assistance CAMA stands for Computer Aided Market Analysis CAMA stands for Canadian Automatic Merchandising Association CAMA stands for Computer-Assisted Mass Appraisal System CAMA stands for Central […]