
Engineering, space, Architecture, IEEE, Electronics, Mechanics, Meteorology, etc.


CALA stands for Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse CALA stands for College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture CALA stands for California Assisted Living Association CALA stands for Chinese American Librarians Association CALA stands for Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) CALA stands for Central America / Latin America CALA stands for Caribbean and Latin […]


CALAS stands for Canadian Association for Laboratory Animal Science CALAS stands for Centro de Acción Legal-Ambiental y Social (Guatemala) CALAS stands for Cryptococcal Antigen Latex Agglutination System CALAS stands for Countrywide Automotive Leasing Administration System (Automotive Media Systems Ltd.) CALAS stands for Computer-Assisted Language Analysis System


CALC stands for Calculator CALC stands for Calculate CALC stands for Calculation CALC stands for Calculated CALC stands for Calculus CALC stands for Citrix Authorized Learning Center CALC stands for Cumbre de América Latina y el Caribe Sobre Integración y CALC stands for Desarrollo (Spanish: Summit of Latin America and the Caribbean on Integration and […]


DBH stands for Detroit: Become Human (gaming) DBH stands for Diameter at Breast Height (forestry) DBH stands for Database Handle DBH stands for Design by Humans (t-shirts) DBH stands for Department of Building and Housing (New Zealand) DBH stands for Doctor of Behavioral Health (Arizona State University) DBH stands for Dopamine Beta-Hydroxylase DBH stands for […]


CALCE stands for Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering CALCE stands for Computer-Aided Life Cycle Engineering


CALCEEPRC stands for Computer-Aided Life Cycle Engineering Electronic Packaging Research Center