
Engineering, space, Architecture, IEEE, Electronics, Mechanics, Meteorology, etc.


CAOPM stands for Configuration-Averaged Optimized-Potential Model


CAOS stands for Chemical Analysis Of Samples CAOS stands for Computer-Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery CAOS stands for Chicago Academy of Sciences (Illinois; also seen as CHIAS) CAOS stands for Computer Architecture Operating System CAOS stands for Commercial Adoption of Open Source (The 451 Group service) CAOS stands for Center for Atmosphere Ocean Sciences (New York University, […]


CAOTMong> stands for Complete Automation on the Move (Milwaukee, WI)


CAP stands for Capital (State) CAP stands for Center for American Progress CAP stands for Common Agricultural Policy (of the European Union) CAP stands for Capacity CAP stands for Civil Air Patrol CAP stands for Central Arizona Project (canal moving water from Colorado River to Phoenix & Tucson) CAP stands for Casino Affiliate Programs (website) […]


CAOW stands for Cars All Over the World CAOW stands for Catholic Alliance of Wikipedia CAOW stands for Cable Order Wire


DBV stands for Deutscher Badminton Verband (German badminton club) DBV stands for Decibels DBV stands for Deutscher Beton-Verein (German: German Concrete Association) DBV stands for Deutscher Brennstoffvertrieb (German: German Fuel Sales) DBV stands for Dubrovnik, Croatia (Airport Code) DBV stands for Deutscher Bibliotheksverband eV DBV stands for Death Bed Vision (psychic phenomenon) DBV stands for […]


DBW stands for Digital Book World DBW stands for Drive-By-Wire DBW stands for Department of Boating and Waterways DBW stands for Decibel (referenced to 1 watt) DBW stands for Deathbringer’s Will (gaming; World of Warcraft) DBW stands for Department of Biology and Wildlife (various organizations) DBW stands for Dry Body Weight DBW stands for Desirable […]