
Engineering, space, Architecture, IEEE, Electronics, Mechanics, Meteorology, etc.


DARM stands for Digital Asset Risk Management DARM stands for Division of Air Resource Management (Department of Environmental Protection; Tallahassee, FL) DARM stands for Data at Rest Manager (GTB Technologies; Costa Mesa, CA) DARM stands for Defense Acquisition Regulation Manual DARM stands for Deterministic Autoregressive Moving Average


DARMA stands for Deterministic Autoregressive Moving Average DARMA stands for Discrete Autoregressive Moving Average DARMA stands for Danish Association for Research Managers and Administrators


DARP stands for Day(s) After Reporting Period DARP stands for Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia i Pesca (Department of Agriculture, Cattle Breeding and Fishing) DARP stands for Downlink Advanced Receiver Performance (GSM/3GPP) DARP stands for Drug Abuse Reporting Program DARP stands for Damage Assessment and Restoration Program DARP stands for Dumbledore’s Army Roleplay (gaming) DARP stands for […]


DASE stands for Direction des Affaires Sociales et Educatives (French: Director of Social Affairs and Education) DASE stands for Design and Analysis of Simulation Experiments (statistics) DASE stands for Département Analyse, Surveillance, Environnement (French: Environmental Analysis and Monitoring Department) DASE stands for Department of Applied Sciences of Education (various organizations) DASE stands for Division Administrative […]


IZT stands for Interconnector Zeebrugge Terminal (Belgium) IZT stands for Inverse Z-Transform IZT stands for Internal Zone Routing Table


FZT stands for Fundacja Zaawansowanych Technologi (Polish: Foundation for Advanced Technology) FZT stands for Far-Zone Transformation


EZU stands for Europäische Zahlungsunion (European Payments Agreement) EZU stands for Elektrotechnicky Zkusebni Ustav (Czech: Electrotechnical Testing Institute)