
Engineering, space, Architecture, IEEE, Electronics, Mechanics, Meteorology, etc.


DB stands for Database DB stands for Double DB stands for Deutsche Bank DB stands for Dragon Ball (processor) DB stands for Deutsche Bahn AG (German railway company) DB stands for Defined Benefit (type of qualified retirement plan) DB stands for DragonBall (TV show/anime) DB stands for Defensive Back (football) DB stands for Dropbox (file […]


DBA stands for Database Administrator DBA stands for Doctor of Business Administration DBA stands for Database Administration DBA stands for Doing Business As (business entity/name) DBA stands for Database Architect DBA stands for Department of Business Administration (various schools) DBA stands for Database Analyst DBA stands for Defense Base Act DBA stands for Design Business […]


DART stands for Dallas Area Rapid Transit DART stands for Disaster Assistance Response Team DART stands for Disaster Animal Response Team DART stands for Diagnostic and Recovery Tool (software) DART stands for Dynamic Analysis and Replanning Tool (US DoD) DART stands for Dublin Area Rapid Transit DART stands for Dublin Area Rapid Transit (train service […]


DARTCMAS stands for Distributed Architecture for Railway Traffic Control Using Multi-Agent Systems (transport)


DARTFIRE stands for Diffusive And Radiative Transport In Fires Experiment


DAS stands for Drug and Alcohol Services (various locations) DAS stands for Drug and Alcohol Screening (various organizations) DAS stands for Department of Administrative Services DAS stands for Direct Attached Storage DAS stands for Distributed Antenna System DAS stands for Debit d’Absorption Spécifique (French: Specific Absorption Rate) DAS stands for Department of Arts and Sciences […]


DASCO stands for Discriminant Analysis with Shrunken Covariances


DASLER stands for Data Management and Analysis for Streams, Lakes, Estuaries, and Rivers


DASI stands for Degree Angular Scale Interferometer DASI stands for Duke Activity Status Index (cardiac disease questionnaire) DASI stands for Diffusion des Arts et des Savoirs par l’Image (French: Diffusion of Arts and Knowledge Through the Image; Lumière University Lyon 2; France) DASI stands for Defence and Systems Institute (Australia) DASI stands for Digital Altimeter […]