
Engineering, space, Architecture, IEEE, Electronics, Mechanics, Meteorology, etc.


DASIA stands for Data Systems in Aerospace (Eurospace conference)


DASRWP stands for Department of Antennas Systems and Radio Waves Propagation


CAFT stands for Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade CAFT stands for Childrens’ Adventure Farm Trust (UK) CAFT stands for Computer Aided Failure Tracking (Fujitsu Siemens) CAFT stands for Customer Automated Funds Transfer CAFT stands for Canadian Aerobic Fitness Test CAFT stands for Consolidated Advance Field Team (UK) CAFT stands for Child, Adolescent, and Family […]


CAFTD stands for Centre d’Accueil Familial et de Traitement des Dépendances CAFTD stands for Commercially Available/Fabricated Training Device


DASU stands for Dansk Automobil Sports Union (Denmark) DASU stands for Direction des Affaires Scolaires et Universitaires (French: Directorate of School and University Affairs; Mayotte) DASU stands for Design and Advice Support Unit (rural energy research project; EU) DASU stands for Disaster Ambulance Support Unit (California) DASU stands for Decentralization Advisory Support Unit (Nepal; UN) […]


DAT stands for Data (file name extension) DAT stands for Digital Audio Tape DAT stands for Datum DAT stands for Disaster Action Team DAT stands for Design and Technology (various organizations) DAT stands for Dental Admissions Test DAT stands for Dative (grammar) DAT stands for Département de l’Aménagement du Territoire (French: Department of Regional Planning; […]


CAFS stands for Community and Family Studies CAFS stands for Centre for African Family Studies CAFS stands for Compressed Air Foam System CAFS stands for Conflict-Affected Fragile State (UN) CAFS stands for Conotruncal Anomaly Face Syndrome CAFS stands for Certified Air Filter Specialist CAFS stands for Chinese Academy of Fishery Science (est. 1978) CAFS stands […]


CAFSI stands for Computational Acoustics and Fluid-Structure Interaction (symposium)