
Engineering, space, Architecture, IEEE, Electronics, Mechanics, Meteorology, etc.


CAIM stands for Council for American Indian Ministry CAIM stands for Complementary, Alternative and Integrative Medicine CAIM stands for Center for Advanced Instructional Media (Yale University; New Haven, CT) CAIM stands for Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (est. 1993) CAIM stands for Creativity and Innovation Management (journal) CAIM stands for Compression Advanced Interface Module […]


CAIMAW stands for Canadian Association of Industrial, Mechanical and Allied Workers


CAINE stands for Computer Aided Investigative Environment (open source software) CAINE stands for Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (International Conference) CAINE stands for Community Associations Institute New England (est. 1973; Wellesley, MA)


CAIP stands for Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants CAIP stands for Canadian Association of Internet Providers CAIP stands for Commonwealth Association of Indigenous Peoples (UK) CAIP stands for Center for Advanced Information Processing (Advanced Technology Center at Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ) CAIP stands for Crestron Authorized Independent Programmer (Crestron Electronics, Inc.) CAIP stands for […]


CAIPIRINHA stands for Controlled Aliasing in Parallel Imaging Results in Higher Acceleration


CAIR stands for Clean Air Interstate Rule (EPA) CAIR stands for Council on American-Islamic Relations CAIR stands for Center for AIDS Intervention Research CAIR stands for Changing Attitudes in Recovery CAIR stands for California Association for Institutional Research CAIR stands for Canadian Association of Interns and Residents CAIR stands for Center for Artificial Intelligence and […]


CAINE stands for Computer Aided Investigative Environment (open source software) CAINE stands for Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (International Conference) CAINE stands for Community Associations Institute New England (est. 1973; Wellesley, MA)


CAIRN stands for Canadian Autism Intervention Research Network (Ontario, Canada) CAIRN stands for Collaborative Advanced Interagency Research Network CAIRN stands for Computer Assisted Information Resources Navigation CAIRN stands for Collaborative Advanced Internet Research Network CAIRN stands for Canadian Agricultural Innovation and Regulation Network (est. 2004; Saskatchewan, Canada)


CAIS stands for Common APSE (Ada Programming Support Environment) Interface Set CAIS stands for California Association of Independent Schools CAIS stands for Cold Air Induction System (vehicles) CAIS stands for Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (Canada) CAIS stands for Centro de Atendimento a Incidentes de Segurança (Portugese) CAIS stands for Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization Program (also […]


CAIRS stands for Computerized Accident/Incident Reporting System (US DOE) CAIRS stands for Chicago Area Interpreter Referral Service CAIRS stands for Churches Agency for Inter-Faith Relations in Scotland CAIRS stands for Canadian Institute for Radiation Safety CAIRS stands for California Alliance of Information and Referral Systems CAIRS stands for Computer Assisted Information Retrieval System CAIRS stands […]